Assistant Principal's Report 

Assistant Principal's Report

Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences – via Webex

Thursday 2 September 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences are of great importance for all students and their families as it assists in the establishment of routines and practices that will impact on student performance in the end of semester assessments. Regardless of the Year Level that a student is in, there is strong evidence that clearly shows where a family of a student is actively involved in their education, the student will enjoy greater success in their learning outcomes.


Despite what they might say publicly, all students need to feel the confidence that they are supported both at school and at home. Where there is a strong partnership between the student, their family and their teachers, a student will be encouraged knowing that those around them are all “on the same page” when it comes to their learning.

Student / Parent / Guardian / Teacher Conferences are an important part of this process as they permit discussion and feedback on what has been achieved and just as importantly how and where further improvement can be made between now and the final assessments. Teachers have the role of being the coach and developing a plan for students to achieve. These Conferences are when families can attend and better understand that plan and how it can best be achieved.


This semester the Conferences will be conducted via Webex. Students are familiar with Webex as they used it during the Remote Learning period. In setting up the Webex profile please use your name or your child’s name. As a security precaution teachers may not admin you into the room if they do not recognise the name. 


Each conference will have an allocation of 10 minutes. As the conferences are conducted using Webex students and their parent/carer/s don’t need to be in the same room, but you can all join the conversation.

Please Note: Students DO NOT ATTEND classes on this day but are required to attend the Webex meeting with their parent / guardian.


Appointment booking system 

Parents / Carers will be able to make appointments with their son or daughter’s teachers online through the Compass portal. Parents / Carers will have a complete list of all their child’s teachers and their available times so that appointments can be made directly all in the one place at the one time. The portal will be open for access from Monday 23 August.


To make appointments, parents need to log onto the school’s Compass.


If you have misplaced your Compass username and password, contact Mr Knight ( for assistance.


Mr Chris Knight

Assistant Principal