EC Careers and Pathways Pages:
Please utilise this link to the college careers and pathways pages. Everything you need to know in the one place.
EC Weekly Careers Newsletter:
This is a very worthwhile (and actually a must) easy read for EVERY student in at least Year 11 and 12 and also the earlier year levels – available on the Echuca College careers and pathways pages.
EC Online Job Board:
Regularly maintained and monitored opportunities for casual jobs, apprenticeships, traineeships, short courses & programs from across the internet and direct from local employers – the only college in Echuca with a one stop shop – available on the Echuca College careers and pathways pages.
Special thanks to the many local industries and employers who have been calling & lodging their vacancies with the college. We appreciate you giving us the opportunity to pass your vacancies onto our students.
EC Work Experience/Work Placement:
The college is very supportive of any and all students engaging in work experience/placement and sees great benefit in encouraging this activity during the college year for anyone over the age of 15 wanting to explore their career pathways. It is encouraging to work with so many students who have approached and engaged with local employers.
However, there are college policies and departmental processes that must be followed to ensure a safe and successful completion for all parties involved.
In order to have an approved absence from the college marked as ‘Work Experience’ the following must occur:
- Timely initial discussion of suitable dates with Lorelle Pearse - Careers and Pathways Coordinator(at least one week in advance or placement will not be granted)
- Completion of department paperwork by parent, student and employer
- Completion of department OH&S modules by student
- Completion of college Teacher Approval Form by student
- A final approval from the college Principal (no other college staff member has authority)
If the above does not occur the absence from school is marked as ‘Unapproved’ and neither the Department of Education nor the college can be held accountable by an employer or parent re the student.
EC Upcoming Industry Events:
‘Women in Construction’ and ‘Early Childhood/Kinder Careers’ are 2 online presentations I will be hosting in the next fortnight. I will send details out via Xuno about these one off events suitable for Years 9 – 12 that have exciting prospects.
EC Year 12’s:
You are nearly there guys.
And I must say, what a fantastic, friendly and appreciative group of young people you have been to work with.
Well done to all those students who managed to fit uni applications into their busy schedule last term. Wishing those who are taking their exams all the very best and for those who are not all the very best also, but please see me for pathways support. It has been a very difficult two years but especially this year with limited access to tertiary institutions and their events, open days and local events that have been cancelled.
- Great efforts from Freddy McLoughlin, Saminda Bullard, Alliyah Cooper, Finn Palmer, Mitch Hipwell, Ned Tomlinson who have all organised their own successful work experience over the last few weeks and before the holidays amidst a very challenging pandemic environment. Well done to you all on contacting employers, following through with your plans and being very organised.
- Volunteers for the Beacon BBQ at Bunnings – a huge thank you to Ellie Smith and Finn Palmer who gave their time and BBQ skills to fundraise for the Beacon Foundation.
- Congratulations to a group of the newest ‘workers’ at Echuca Workers Club – Chelsea, Max, Taleka and Zac McK - well done on your outstanding presentation, representation of your college and your manner at your recent interviews and success in gaining casual employment.
Please do not hesitate to contact me through Xuno or via my email to assist you to support your EC student with their career and pathways aspirations. No question too big or too small! 😊