How are you REALLY going?


On Thursday September 9, the Wellbeing Team raised awareness about R U Okay Day. What a timely day this was, given the fatigue that people are experiencing during the latest lockdown. 


The purpose of the day was to encourage people to ask ‘Are you REALLY okay?’. We have a tendency to say ‘how are you’ and most people respond with ‘good’ but a lot of the time this response is automatic. We need to ask in a way that will help someone give a genuine response. Asking ‘are you really okay’ helps break down the barriers and gives someone space to share what is really going on in their life’. 


Other ways to check in on someone you care about include:

  • You don’t seem yourself lately
  • I'm always here if you need to chat
  • Is there someone else you’d rather talk to?

Remember to LISTEN with an open mind and without judgement. 


Our students and staff were encouraged to make and wear yellow R U Ok Day ‘hats’, to create care packages to give to someone they care about, and the online learning classrooms were a sea of yellow for the day. Our students watched important video messages from the R U Okay Organisation and had discussions with their Mentors. 


Just a final reminder that this message of  R U Okay, isn’t just for one day and we encourage you to check in with your friends and loved ones regularly. The ups and downs of covid lockdowns affect each person differently and having support of family, friends and the school community can help to navigate these challenges.  A conversation about ‘how are you really going’ could truly change a life. 


The Wellbeing Team