5-8 Community News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Firstly, we would like to just show our appreciation and gratitude to you all for sticking with us. Thank you!  Your children have been amazing. Let’s work together to get them to the end of the term. They have really handled the change so well again.


We hope the children have taken each afternoon as an opportunity to conduct an activity that brings them joy! Even if it is, altering Mr Poppa's face! 


We have attached a few sites that serve some relevance to the Years 5-8 Community. 


The first website is an opportunity for students to see what’s occurring across the community. There are some really cool tips, healthy eating plans, exercise ideas, useful apps etc.  If the children would like to feature on this hub, have them send their photos to their TA teachers.




Also, the 5-8 Wellbeing Matrix has a variety of different and engaging activities for the children to complete. If you as family members would like to complete one together, there are some options for this to occur in some of the tasks.  Let’s aim together to have our children either complete one from this matrix, or for them, to perform one activity that is of their own interest. 

We would also like to formally welcome Chloe Welch to our 5-8 Community. Chloe is part of the brilliant Year 7 team. She has settled in extremely well and is a cat lover as well. 


A 5-8 Community virtual assembly will occur in Week 10 and will be led by our Year 8 leaders. This wont be live, but will be recorded and available in Week 10.


Here are some worthy reminders from our Year 8 Community Leaders, Lily Garth and Amelia Simpson.




Remote learning has been something that I'm still adjusting to, but despite the struggle, I've really been enjoying the extra time I get to spend around my family and pets. My one little tip is to try and get outside for a little bit, even if you’re just taking your dog for a walk or sitting in your backyard, the change of scenery can often help a lot :)





Hi everyone, how has remote learning been for you all?

My remote learning has been really good. I have worked hard but remembered to take breaks when I need to. It's really hard to find the motivation to work during remote learning, but being able to call my friends and work with them has helped me a lot to get all my work done, stay on task and be motivated to do work. I can’t wait to go back to school (hopefully soon) and see all of my friends and teachers. It's been great to know that there are teachers and wellbeing support for everyone, even though we are in lockdown and for us to know that we aren’t alone.


Stay safe everyone during this tough time and take care. 




Thanks again for your understanding in this learning environment. Our students have made such a positive start. 


Anthony Poppa and Corey Carver

5-8 Community Leaders

Years 5 and 6 Poetry

Years 5 and 6 students have been learning about the structure and purpose of poetry. Here are some poems we have written during remote learning: