From the Acting Principal

Like so many in our region, my past fortnight has been spent in quarantine. While this is not the most ideal experience, I have been reflecting on all the things I am grateful for. 


Our College has  transitioned quite smoothly to Remote Learning 7.0.  Our staff have once again adapted and our students equally so.  We are grateful for the support of our parent body who continue to juggle work commitments and supporting their children with remote learning.


Technology allows us to communicate and see what is happening in the ‘at home’ learning environments.  I wonder whether you had the opportunity to see all the lovely dress ups for Book Week? Our librarians quickly adapted the dress up day scheduled for Monday 23rd August to an online event.  It was lovely to see a strong level of participation amongst our student cohort.  Our Wellbeing Team has put together a number of really useful resources that students are able to access. These have been promoted in the learning communities, so please take advantage of these to support your family’s wellbeing.  For the contributions of these staff members I am very grateful also. 


On Monday evening the team presented via zoom as part of the Family Core group initiative ‘Cuppa and Convo’.  The Wellbeing Team introduced their members and spoke of their initiatives to support wellbeing.   This was very well received by those who attended.


Subject Teacher Interviews could not have been timed more perfectly.  It was a great opportunity for staff and families to touch base and continue to foster the partnership of learning for our students.


It is all too easy to look at all that is happening in our community and indeed the broader community and feel a sense of hopelessness and pessimism.  Small acts of kindness and the expression of gratitude however, are so important for us at this time.  Our Year 11s who are doing the Pay It Forward Project, have continued to do so from home. We are hopeful that families are experiencing some of the ‘good deeds’ that our students have committed to. 


Last week our Church celebrated Social Justice Sunday.  It was a great time to reflect on the papal encyclical Laudato Si which was written in 2015. On 24th August, Pope Francis spoke at the  Laudato Si Congress in Argentina where he made further pleas for all to care for our common home. Most understand that this is not only an encyclical which encourages all to care for our environment, but also those within it. 


The closing prayer of this encyclical is very relevant to us all today:


God of love, show us our place in this world

as channels of your love

for all the creatures of this earth,

for not one of them is forgotten in your sight.

Enlighten those who possess power and money

that they may avoid the sin of indifference,

that they may love the common good,

advance the weak,

and care for this world in which we live.

The poor and the earth are crying out.

O Lord, seize us with your power and light,

help us to protect all life,

to prepare for a better future,

for the coming of your Kingdom

of justice, peace, love and beauty.

Praise be to you! Amen.


(Laudato Si Pope Francis 2015)


As we pray this prayer let us be mindful of those in our own community who need our support and prayers at this time.


Go gently,


Carolyn Goode

Deputy Principal Wellbeing