Science / STEAMM

Discovering the world around us.

Science Concepts:

It’s been another big month in Science and STEAMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics and Medicine). Our Scientists have been learning about the basic concepts of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science to better understand the world around them.


Learning Year Seven to Ten:

  • Our year seven scientists  have delved into the insanely small world of particles.
  • Our year eight scientists are looking at reproductive strategies of plants and animals
  • Our year nine scientists are discovering the gorgeously gross world of human communicable diseases.
  • Our year ten scientists have stretched their mind to the sky, observing and analysing the universe.

     VCE Learning: 

  • Year 11 Biology, Chemistry and Physics students are finishing up their student designed practical investigations.
  • Year 12 Biology and Physics students are studying really hard for their upcoming exams and the entire science domain wish them the very best of luck 🍀

Celebrating Student Success in Science and STEAMM

Gala will be "live stream" this year and it will be a fantastic way to showcase our students projects in STEAMM. There will be spaghetti bridges, marble runs, skill testers and bottle rockets as well as demonstrations with our 3D printer and Spheros. 

STEAMM Discovery through destruction: 

STEAMM students were asked to discover how something worked through destroying it bit by bit. One of our year 9 students found an old fishing reel and was able to observe it's mechanical make up through taking it apart. 

Fishing reel
Fishing reel
Fishing reel
Fishing reel








Kate Peach

Science / STEAMM Domain Leader