Feedback from #ISQua2019

Knowledge, Network, Voice

Each Member of ISQua's Community, whether a Guest, Friend, Delegate, Fellow or Member, gains from our three core values - Knowledge, Network, Voice.


At our recent conference in Cape Town, the knowledge of over 200 experts was shared with our 1,100+ delegates. These sessions included many inspiring and 'aha!' experiences, including:


Rocco Perla's request to start asking people what they need to be healthy 'we've created a health system where we don't think twice about ordering tests, but we don't ask people about food insecurity'


Paul Batalden's need to to understand the role of kindness in the workplace 'you cannot form authentic relationships with the willingness to become vulnerable'


Tommaso Bellandi's plea for workplace cultures built on 'no blame, no fear, learn'


Karin Jay asking us to look at the patient's journey through the patients 'eyes'


Helen Haskell's calm, intense and powerful retelling of her son's death due to a series of mistakes and errors.


Gilbert Buckle provided a foundation for us all 'No matter what quality the seed is if the soil is not fertile, it will never germinate and grow to deliver the fruits you desire'


and Margaret Kruk provided a 'high-quality health system framework' that concentrates its focus on people and considers processes of care, quality and key foundations to support its efforts.


These sessions are all available as slides or recordings on our website - and freely available to ISQua Members and Cape Town Delegates.


Photos from Cape Town