School News

 School Programs & Initiatives


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  • Child Safe Standards and Policies
  • Health Related Polices
  • Curriculum Framework and School Policies
  • Administration Policies





You may have noticed last year and again this year, particuluary at the Ready to Learn Conferences, that as a school, we have a focus on Attendance and how we can support your kids being here at their maximum capacity. Here is a simple table that shows what one day here and there equates to and why we have such a focus when it comes to your children's life long learning.

If a student misses…That equals…Which is...And over 13 years of schooling that is
1 day per fortnight20 days per year4 weeks per yearNearly 1.5 year
1 day per week40 days per year8 weeks per yearNearly 2.5 years
2 days per week80 days per year16 weeks per yearOver 5 years
3 days per week120 days per year24 weeks per yearNearly 8 years
Adapted from Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI)


If your child is late,  this also has an impact. 

The bottom line is.....we want to work with you, we're partners in this journey, so please reach out to us, talk to your classroom teacher or any member of the leadership team. Let us know what we can do to help your kid's attendance if it's a problem.