Student Wellbeing

Introduction to our Wellbeing Program

As part of the restructuring of our learning and teaching program at Years 9/10 our wellbeing and pastoral care program has also undergone some significant changes we would like you to be aware of.


Our Pastoral Care program from Years 7-12 now has a focus on four key areas – Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. All year levels will use these key areas for the development of the program. This means that during one lesson the focus may be on BODY and the class will do a related activity like yoga for example. The next lesson may be centred on MIND with perhaps a focus on growth mindset and helping all members of the class grow in their application to their learning and life.


Our Year Level Leaders and Pastoral Care teams are developing the program which will continue to evolve as we work to address the current and future needs of students.


We will also work with the students to seek their input into the program. We look forward to giving you further insight into the program over the course of the year.


Uniform Reminders

We remind all students and their families that at the beginning of Term 2 there will be the changeover to the winter uniform. This includes the skirt or pants and white shirt/tie or school pants and emblemed shirt.


The uniform shop is now operating at school from recess to the end of lunch on both Wednesday and Friday each week. Students are also able to organise their uniform by attending the Noone shop at Hoppers Crossing.


We will send a direct message to all of the students to remind them of these expectations before the end of the term.


If you have any concerns regarding uniform for your daughter – please do not hesitate to contact myself on the school number or via Direct Message.


Take Away Food Deliveries

Over the last couple of weeks, the Main Office has had some concerns with both parents and students organising the delivery of take away food to school. This includes the delivery of UBER EATS.


We need to remind all families and students of the expectation that is clearly stated in our Information Booklet for our families – Families are not to bring in or order take-away food for their daughters.


This document can be provided on request.


Concerns raised about the dropping off and pick up of students in the St. Paul’s carpark.

A number of our parents have raised concerns about the issue of dropping off and picking up students in the St Paul’s Carpark.


Many parents when dropping off their daughters stop in the driveway of the car park rather than taking a car park space and then reversing and leaving.


Stopping in the driveway blocks the flow of the traffic and causes traffic problems both in the car park and on Glengala Road.


Please be aware of this and be considerate of others when dropping off r picking up your daughters.


Mobile Phone Concerns

Over the last couple of weeks we have had a number of concerns raised in terms of the inappropriate use of mobile phone, that is, the recording and/or filming of students without permission and then posting images on social media platforms.


We are speaking to the Community Police about presentations to the student body about concerns in relation to bullying and the use of social media platforms.  They will visit Marian next week to begin this discussion with our students.


We will keep you informed in further editions of the Marian of this work.



As we approach the end of the term, we encourage our families to monitor their daughter’s in terms of stress and any concern that activities such as work expectations, tests and School Assessed Coursework may cause.


Responses can vary from being quiet, to tears to even changes in behaviour.


If you have any concerns in relation to this please do not hesitate in contacting your daughter’s homeroom teacher or Year Level leader so that the issue can be addressed and strategies can be put in place to support each of our students.


Kerrie Williams

Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing