We Are

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

We are …

A Community of Believers

A Community of Believers in Jesus Christ

A Community of Believers in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, 

A Community of Believers in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, each of us created by God, 

A Community of Believers in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, each of us created by God, filled with the Holy Spirit


We are …

A Community gathered around the Bible

A Community gathered around the Bible, the Word of God to us

A Community gathered around the Bible, the Word of God to us, always supremely suitable for guiding and directing our activities together

A Community gathered around the Bible, the Word of God to us, always supremely suitable for guiding and directing our activities together, above all else


We are …

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father, God the Son

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, in all we do with each other

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, in all we do with each other, and to those beyond our gates

A Community seeking to bring glory to God our Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, in all we do with each other, and to those beyond our gates – may we be the sweet aroma of witness to all around us who don’t have a personal and eternal relationship with the God of the universe, God’s beacon for all to see


We will …

Have different opinions

Support different causes

Disagree about what is important today

Wish some things had been done differently


Hold differing perspectives

Hold differing theologies

Not know how to work through complicated situations with any certainty

Feel uncertain


But we are …

God’s image bearers – each of us, uniquely gifted this honour by the Creator

Saved by the blood of Jesus – a gracious act extended to each of us so we could have restored relationship with the Creator

Receivers of God’s revelations to us – His word, the Bible, a revelation of His unchanging love throughout all history; our lives, each a contemporary history of the way God relates to the individual and works for each one’s flourishing

Intimately in communion with God, enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


We are …

A Community called Donvale Christian College.

A Community seeking shalom.