Classroom News

Year 4 Assembly

On Friday 24th our year 4 students presented at our Friday Assembly.  In our grade we have started the year by setting up some clear routines and expectations, and learning how to have a positive mindset by using ‘dolphin thoughts’ and being ready to jump into our learning pits and challenge ourselves in order to grow our brains. We have been thinking about our classroom, school, community, friends and family. As part of our learning we have also been reflecting on our own special connections to Mount Beauty; the landscape, flora (the plants) and fauna (the animals).      


As part of our writing we have developed our own classroom Acknowledgement to Country…. But what is an ‘Acknowledgement to Country?’ you may be thinking. It is a formal recognition of the First Nations people’s custodianship of the land and a show of respect to their cultures and traditions. 


Did you know… Australia's First Peoples have been living on the Australian continent for millennia (that’s a very long time!). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia is made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language and laws. They are the world’s oldest surviving culture. 


In Mount Beauty we acknowledge the Dhudhuroa, Waywurru and Jaithmathang people. 


4K students ventured out into the playground to prepare their own special artwork pieces and speech which they presented at assembly. In the playground we sat and listened to nature and smelt the fresh gum leaves as we sketched the landscape and thought about our own special places. Student’s used pastels, watercolour and black markers to complete their individual pieces. 


Our class Acknowledgement of Country - 4K  


In 4K we feel honoured to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land that our school is located; The Dhudhuroa, Waywurru and Jaithmathang peoples both past, present and emerging.


We are so grateful for the local indigenous mobs of Mount Beauty who take care and nurture our land.


When the sulphur-crested cockatoos fly over our heads and squawk, and when the giant long leaves of the Blue Gum trees sway in the breeze we know that Aboriginal people are welcoming us to this place and are trusting us to look after the land and all the plants and animals.


We are so grateful for our pristine natural environment including the fresh clean Kiewa River and the mighty Mount Bogong. We promise to take good care of our beautiful country.

Coco had a chance to help with their Assembly Presentation.
Coco had a chance to help with their Assembly Presentation.

French with Steph

5/6 students have been learning to express their likes and dislikes through a game of charades and then transfering the oral to written. 



Buddie Program

Our Year 6 students have been helping our Prep/1 class make a tree which will be displayed with family photos, "Our Family Tree" 

Our Year 6 and Prep/1 students get together each week for fun tasks.
Our Year 6 and Prep/1 students get together each week for fun tasks.

Year 4 with Kathryn

Raspberry Fun – Maths and Literacy 


Last week we enjoyed some ‘Raspberry Fun’ maths and literacy activities thanks to Charlie who brought in some of his delicious hand-picked raspberries from home… yum! We estimated how many raspberries were in the jar and discussed how we could accurately count them, graphed our data and then worked out how we could evenly share them between all our class members. We then listed words to describe how they look/smell/feel… before popping one in our mouth to taste! Delicious!  



Each week our classes all have the opportunity to visit our school library. 

We hope through some fundraising this year we can add to our catalogue offerings.  Joy and Amanda would love some help in planning out and implementing some fundraising ideas. Please let us know if you can help, many hands make light work.