Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

On Monday, our Year 6 students received their new shirts.  The design, which was chosen by students, includes the symbols of: the sun - shining on the land helping us all to grow; dots - representing those from the past, present and the future generation; footsteps - symbolising the students movement forward into the next chapter of their lives; and waves- representing the flowing waters of the fresh and salt water people that have lived and moved through this land on which we learn.

A reminder to all families that there will be no school on Monday 13th March (public holiday) and Tuesday 14th March (Whole School Professional Practice Day).  OSHC will be running on Tuesday 14th March for families requiring this support.  Classes will resume for all students in Prep - 6 on Wednesday 15th March.  


Please note that, in Term 2, classes will resume on Wednesday the 26th April, due to a pupil free day on Monday 24th April and the ANZAC Day public holiday on Tuesday 25th April.


The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will commence next week, from Wednesday 15th March and will continue through until the 27th March, for students in Years 3 and 5.  All students in Years 3 and 5 are expected to participate unless a request is made for withdrawal or exemption.

Although it has been a quieter week for events, there has been lots happening in the school, so please refer to our other pages to learn about what has been happening in our classrooms and specialist subjects, along with choir and band!  Excited by the upcoming festivities, our office staff, Amanda and Joy, are running an Easter competition for students.  For more information, please take a look at our Book Club page.


Next week, students in Years 3-6 will also have the opportunity to participate in a Science Incursion over two days.  The theme is 'Reach for the Stars' and will be presented by the Victorian Space Science Education Centre.

Our school will be participating in 'Ride to School Day' on March 24th, so please try to use active travel (ride, scoot, walk) on this day.  We will also be having a casual dress day, on the same day, to raise money towards the purchase and upgrade of sports equipment. 


HEADLICE ALERT!  Please help us to keep headlice at bay by making sure that all long hair is tied up.  Regular checking for headlice is also recommended.

Please contact Amanda and Joy if you have some fundraising ideas or time to help out! 

The Year 3-6 Cluster Athletics will now be held on Monday 3rd of April.  Thank you to those families who have already offered their assistance, however we are still seeking more volunteers to assist with events and also the BBQ.  Please let Steph or the office know if you will be available to help out.

Last Friday, all students helped to clean up rubbish around the school and pondage as part of School's Clean Up Australia.  Lots of rubbish was collected and the Year 4 students have now started a Math's investigation to track the rubbish found in the school.  Please help us to reduce waste, by not sending packaging to school.