Calrossy Careers

The Big Day In
On Wednesday the 3rd of April, 2019, Mr Impey (Calrossy Career Adviser) and Mr Wayne Russell (Calrossy IT Department) accompanied 6 of our keen Information Computer & Technology students, to attend the "Big Day In" event staged by the Australian Computer Society Foundation and hosted by the University of Newcastle. The Big Day In events are held annually and are aimed at senior secondary school and university students interested in careers in ICT and technology. BiG Day In helps students obtain more information about ICT and technology careers, and hopefully helps them make a better-informed decision about their future.
This year students were able to listen to informative presentations delivered by industry professionals from organisations such as NIB Health Funds, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), The Department of Defence Lockheed Martin, the Department of Human Services, Wisetech Global Regional Development Australia and JAR Aerospace. Our students were also given the opportunity to enjoy personal one on one discussions with all professionals attending on the day, who also included representatives from the ACS, the Academy of Information Technology, and Buzzy Games.
Our boys and staff attending in main group photo from left to right are:
Mr Wayne Russell, Jack Price, Tom Purkiss, Brock Chase, Ned Chaffey, Will Kirby, Mr Impey and in front row, Nick Johnston
The Footnotes Series
Our Secondary students were recently given the opportunity to attend a careers event hosted by The Footnotes, which is part of a State wide series of events giving students information about key industries including agricualture, health, community services, trades and the Defence Forces. The footnotes in partnership with business and industry bodies are well regarded for providing a unique suite of Career recources for students, schools and parents.