Extra Curricular

Riley wins District Lions Youth of the Year
2019 has already been a big year for our School Captain, Riley Bomford. The Barraba boy and Calrossy Boarder has just taken out the prestigious Lions Youth of the Year competition for the N1 District.
Riley went up against five other regional winners in the competition, covering an area that extends from the Queensland border, west to Collarenebri and south to Forster and Murrurundi. The District win comes after Riley took out the regional stage. At each level the competition includes an interview, two impromptu questions and one prepared speech.
Riley represented Calrossy proudly in the State finals on the weekend.
Sydney Royal Easter Show Success
Congratulations to the Calrossy Cattle Team on what has already been the School's most successful year ever at the event. The team has been named the Most Successful Shorthorn Exhibitor at the Show, as well as being awarded Champion and Reserve Champion Trade Steer and Reserve Champion Purebred Steer. There has also been lots of placings and highly commended ribbons in the Parading. It has bee another great effort by the students and staff at the Easter Show. Thanks for representing Calrossy with such pride and enthusiasm and sacrificing some of your school holidays. More photos are available on The Hub at https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/2562