Calrossy Primary

Message from the Head of Primary - Miss Claire Dalziel
Thank you for contributing towards a wonderful term. It takes a village to raise a child and I continue to be pleased by the many and varied opportunities that are provided for our children. Thank you to the wonderful staff and families that support our school, I am truly grateful for your contributions.
The playground is open, and each class has had their own dedicated time to test it out. It has been a huge success and we are so proud of our new play space.
Thank you for partnering with us and for taking the time out to meet with your child’s class teacher through parent teacher interviews this week. I hope you found this time useful. As always please do contact your child’s teacher if you want to share something wonderful or need to discuss a concern. We are all here to work with you and would like to partner with you as much as we can. If you missed the opportunity to catch up with your child’s class teacher, please take the time to do this next term.
Please note the details regarding uniform, later in this newsletter. A general rule of thumb is that from ANZAC Day onwards, we will be in Full Winter Uniform. If you are participating in any Centenary Events, Full Dress Winter uniform is required.
Finally, I would like to extend my greatest thanks to Mrs Philippa Naden as she finishes up with us today. Mrs Naden has been covering the Executive release, whilst Mrs Armytage has been away on Maternity Leave. I would like to extend the greatest thanks to Mrs Naden for bringing her godliness, wisdom and enthusiasm to our school. Her passion for education has been so welcome. We look forward to seeing Mrs Naden at school throughout the year when she comes in for casual work. So, from us at school, it is not good-bye, but see you soon.
Have a safe and restful holiday. Happy Easter!
But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ dies for us.
Romans 5:8
Claire Dalziel
Head of Primary
Primary Assembly Awards
Year 3 Green | Jett Pascoe, Georgina Maio |
Year 3 White | Cameron Tooley, Katie Knee |
Year 4 Green | n.a. |
Year 4 White | Zara Leech, Benji Gordon, Alice Gannon |
Year 5 Green | Harshil Kapoor, Zach Elias |
Year 5 White | Connor Kirby, Campbell Heffernan |
Year 6 Green | Jack Robinson, Bonni Grant |
Year 6 White | Amity Johnstone, Jayden Tredrea |
Christian Studies | Martin Smyth |
Library | Georgia Jones, Zara Leech |
Primary Library Easter Winners
Thank you to all of our wonderful primary students who decorated Easter Eggs to make our Library look bright this week.
Our lucky winners are Claudia Eason (Infants) and Natasha North (Primary), we hope they enjoy their early Easter treats!
Lunchtime Concert
Primary Music students had the opportunity to perform in the lunchtime concert for Term 1 recently. There was a number of students displaying a variety of musical talent.