Message from the Principal

Excursions Develop Resilience and Perseverance
A core part of the programme at Calrossy includes expeditions and excursions that supplement classroom learning. These trips are not additional extras or a ‘soft week’ away but are included as an essential part of the process of supporting holistic student growth.
At Infants level the field trips commence with day visits, gradually becoming more complex and demanding as the children move through Primary and into Secondary years. In Term 1 students have undertaken trips to Lake Keepit (Year 4), Hill End/Bathurst (Year 5), Scotts Head (Year 7 Boys), Lake Macquarie (Year 7 Girls), Pindari Dam (Year 8 Girls), Sydney and the Blue Mountains (Year 9 Girls), Mt Warning (Year 10) and Emu Gully (Year 11). Other groups will undertake expeditions later in the year, Year 9 boys waiting for more water in the Barrington River.
There are great benefits to the expedition experiences, and I have been fortunate to witness firsthand the growth and development of many students over the past few weeks. Each of the trips contains a challenge component in which students are deliberately pushed out of their comfort zones, undertaking difficult and hard-to-achieve tasks. Whether it be abseiling, surfing, rock climbing or team challenges, there is great benefit to the students in attempting these things. I hold a strong belief, based on research and experience, that resilience is developed through attempting difficult tasks, drawing upon one’s own resources to grow in the process. Long may the outcome of camps/expeditions be this personal development. Resilience is one of our school values and there is evidence that it grows through hardship, with appropriate support and encouragement. It transfers to other areas in life.
The social experience of camps is also pivotal as relationships are forged, promoting teamwork and collaboration. Cooperation and community living is not always easy but the experience produces growth. Doing the Kokoda Challenge at Emu Gully, undertaking the Big City Challenge or going over a dam wall with friends develops shared experience that strengthens the bonds between students.
Parents know that being an adult is difficult. Assisting students to attempt and succeed at challenging tasks and drawing upon their own resources, with some support, produces the resilience and confidence that promotes positive personal outcomes, inside and outside the classroom, preparing for life ahead.
I must say that my observation and reports received has made me very proud as our students were universally a pleasure to take away, proving wonderful citizens of our school community.
You can check out the mega photo gallery of the various excursions and other events throughout the year on The Hub at
Communication and School Reports
Parents will know that Calrossy has launched The Hub this year. In addition to being a Learning Platform for students, it has also been developed as a system of communication to parents. With anything new, there will be teething problems and challenges at adopting to another system. However, one main benefit is to have a single password, and simple log-on for all communication from school. Notes, newsletters and forms etc are each available through the HUB.
Another advantage is cutting down the volume of emails. The Calrossy App provide easy access and notifications to school information on phones and iPads.
I acknowledge the patience of parents as we roll out the new system and thank the many who have provided feedback. Should you are experience problems, please contact our IT Department and we will do all we can to support your enquiry.
Interim reports are now available and accessed through the Parent Portal rather than emailed and will remain accessible there. Once logged in to the Portal, you can access the report by selecting your student's name and clicking on "DOCS". You can then open, print or download the reports. There is still provision for other forms of delivery upon request.
Easter Show Cattle Success
Calrossy has had its best ever success at the Sydney Royal Easter Show including being awarded the Most Successful Shorthorn Exhibitor. For more details on this go to the Extra Curricular page in the newsletter.
Congratulations to our students and staff led by Mr Geoff and Mrs Brony Nielsen who have supported the team to this tremendous success. Brony's huge contribution to the industry and in particular the Easter Show was recognised this week with a special award. She was named a Champion of the RAS, for her long standing support of the Show and the Cattle industry. Brony is pictured here with Mr Brock Gilmour, Chief Executive of the RAS.
Happy Easter
I wish every family a very happy Easter and a wonderful rest following what has been a successful first term of the year. May you know the peace and joy of this Easter season.