
We welcome all students back to another year of reading at Cobram Secondary College. We are excited to begin our journey for 2018. In the last week, all students have been coming into the library to select books for their classroom libraries. It has been great to see such enthusiasm for book selection across all year levels.
A reminder that students are welcome to bring in books from home or the local library to read during Illuminate.
Illuminate occurs for the first 19 minutes of each school day. Students are engaged in silent reading, conferencing with teachers about their reading or participating in mini lessons which aim to teach the key reading comprehension skills effective students use to make meaning of text.
Did You Know?
Many English words are made up of word parts from other languages, especially Greek and Latin. These parts are called word roots.
Knowing the meaning of the root helps you to figure out the meaning of the whole word. It can also help with spelling. Parents can encourage their children to apply this knowledge when encountering unfamiliar words.