Middle School News

Welcome to our new Year 7 students!
Cobram SC would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new Year 7 students and their
families. Our students have had a wonderful start to secondary school life. All were well prepared, having an excellent standard of uniform and a really positive attitude to joining us here at Cobram Secondary College. This was evident by what one student wrote about during English in their first week at school.
When I first came to CSC with my school group, I was amazed at how many children there were in the school. The teachers were lovely and calm with all of us. From my perspective on that day, I thought I certainly want to come here.
The differences that I saw between CSC and my primary were instant from that day that I had my first transition with my class from primary school. One of the really big changes that I felt difficult was that I would have different teachers for every subject. Now that I have found out what subjects I have with what teachers, it has made it a lot more manageable and I don’t get as nervous.
Kiera Hocking 7B
The feedback from staff has been excellent in regards to how well our Year 7's have settled and how interested, engaged and focused they have been in all aspects of their learning. No doubt due to our exciting Transition Program, ensuring that all students feel safe, happy and secure in making the transition to Cobram Secondary College. The focus of our school community this year is for us to have HIGH EXPECTATIONS of ourselves in all that we do, staff and students alike. This will ensure that our Year 7 students succeed in all areas of the curriculum and become mature, independent young learners who will accept all challenges and take risks in their learning.
Please remember that Cobram Secondary College is a Sun Smart School, students are reminded that wearing a broad brimmed, bucket style hat is compulsory. If a student forgets to bring their hat to school, they will be required to sit in the shade. Hats are required in Term 1 and Term 4. Well done to those students who are demonstrating their ACE behaviour by wearing a hat.
Every day counts! At Cobram SC we strive to have student attendance of 90% or more. We would like to encourage all students and parents to remember how important it is for students to attend school. We encourage all students to aim for an individual attendance rate of 90% or above. Please assist the college by ensuring that any appointments, where possible, are made outside of school hours to ensure your child’s learning is not interrupted.