Notice Board

Tour Illuminate
Seymour Alternative
Farming Expo
On Friday 16th February, our Year 10, 11 and 12 students from Wood, Metal and Design Technology will be visiting the Seymour Alternative Farming Expo. Mr Mitchell (Wood) and Mr Powell (Metal) will be taking approximately 40 students this year. The displays on offer give students ideas and also there is a large focus on re purposing old materials into new projects. This area of re-cycling materials into new alternate projects is in line with the curriculum needs within these year levels.
An interesting read....
2018 HPV Racing Team
Calling all students who are interested in competing in something a little different from your standard sports.
We are looking for students from Year 9 to 12 interested to compete in the Victorian HPV Series and RACV Energy Breakthrough this year.
This involves racing as a mixed- team in a 3-wheeled recumbent vehicle against other secondary schools and will work throughout the year in preparation for the main race in Term 4.
If you’re in Year 9, 10, 11 or 12 and think this might be something you might be interested in and enjoy, please put your name on the Expression of Interest list located opposite the Middle School Office or see Miss DeMoel in the Daily Organiser Office.
Breakfast Program
Breakfast Club is served in the Foods room every Friday morning between 8:15am and 8:45am. Come and make some new friends and chat to the staff. On the menu most mornings we serve: toast, fresh fruit, juice, pancakes and from time to time: scones, bacon and eggs and even sausages and baked beans.
All CSC students welcome!
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Cobram Community House
Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation
Barooga Lions Club Deb Balls 2018
There are limited vacancies still available for this year’s balls for any Year 11 girls who have not yet secured a place and wish to make their debut.
Please contact Linda Ryder on 0417 085 234 for further information and to secure your place.