Maths Pathways

Maths Pathways
2018 at Cobram Secondary College has seen the continuation of our Maths Pathway Program. The aim being to recognise the importance of Mathematics learning. To quote Maths Pathway, ‘Using Mathematics with confidence is vitally important for young people. Mathematical skills inform what we do every day – not just in the specialist mathematical profession. Mathematics provides a beautiful and elegant way of thinking about the world. We believe that instilling a love of mathematics is valuable in and of itself.’
To complement the online program students have been involved in and enjoyed hands on ‘Sprint Break’ activities, completing ‘Rich Tasks and Rich Lessons’ as well as ongoing conferencing with their teacher.
Maths pathway, 2016 Impact Report
A student who is keeping up with the Mathematics course at Cobram Secondary College should achieve a growth rate of one curriculum level per year. Although some students achieve this growth rate without Maths Pathway, many students have an average growth rate of 0.54 curriculum levels for that period of time.
The GREAT news at Cobram Secondary College is that having completed one year of Maths Pathway for 2017, our Year 7 to Year 9 students had achieved an average growth rate of 1.45 curriculum levels. This means that over one year our students’ have learnt on average a year and half of work and importantly 95% of our students learnt at a greater rate than prior to Maths Pathway. An excellent result! In order for our students to continue learning at this rate it is important that they:
Bring their own device CHARGED and all equipment to every Mathematics session.
We look forward to an exciting year in Mathematics, during which students have and focus on high expectations of themselves in the work they produce and strive at all times to do the best they possibly can.
Jane Grenfell on behalf on the CSC Mathematics Team