
Career News
2017 Year 12
Congratulations to our 2017 Year 12 students who received great results from the VTAC offer process. 95% of students who applied to VTAC received a first round offer with 62% receiving their first or second preference. Well done to all involved.
Part Time Work (Yr 11)
Cobram Lotto is looking to employ a junior Sales Assistant for Saturday morning work from 8.15am-1.15pm. Duties include customer service, cash handling and retail sales - training will be provided. If you’d like to apply for this position, drop your resume in store at 34 Punt Rd Cobram before Monday 12th February.
Air Force Cadets (Yr 7 – 11)
The 419 Squadron - Shepparton, Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) are holding an Open Day on Saturday 17 February 2018, fr om 9am to 3pm at 110 Sobraon Street, Shepparton (Somme Barracks). Our Open Day aims to provide information to families regarding tasks students can experience in the Australian Air Force Cadets. All welcome - recruiting age is from 13 years to 17 years. Any queries can be directed to the Squadron Commanding Officer, WOFF(AAFC) Ray Bolton OAM, at or visit
Youth Op-Shop Funding Opens Up Great Learning Opportunities!
Cobram Secondary College and Cobram Community House have formed a partnership in order to provide a number of students from the VCAL group and the students studying Food Studies and Food Technology at senior levels, with the opportunity to build up their employability skills. The students would like to gain the necessary skills to be considered for employment at our local businesses and in other locations as well. A grant provided by The Youth Op-Shop will cover the cost of a coffee machine which allow us to put a number of students through a Barista Course both this year and into the future. This course has been chosen as it relates directly to employment opportunities available in our local area and also creates opportunities for part-time work if students relocate to access further study. From this it leads to project based and cross curriculum learning that revolves around the key strengths of each individual student. A lot of students will end up with skills not only as baristas and in the areas of food handling, but in other areas such as business, marketing, digital technology and promotions. We would like to sincerely thank The Youth Op-Shop for the funding to allow our students access to this wonderful learning opportunity, we believe it will be a great asset to our school and our students.