Active August


As we head near the end of August, the SLC Wellbeing Team and Sports Leadership would like to share little challenges they have and will continue to run this month as part of Active August. 


Staying active in these unprecedented times is vitally important to both keep your physical health strong but also you mental health as well.  Keeping active can be as easy and little as going outside to shoot some hoops, kicking a football or going for a run around the block. 


We also will endeavour to educate the Frankston High School community about AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) to develop our knowledge whilst we are stuck at home remote learning in the coming weeks.


Week 1

We held a step challenge to see who can get the most steps in one day. 

Congratulations to: 

1st - Mia Davis (Year 12) - 15 364

2nd - Alyssa Wooding (Year 11) 14 965

Week 2

The Sports Leadership Team ran The Daily 7minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

8 air squats

6 sit ups 

4 burpees 


Congratulations to Molly Power (Year 8C) who won this challenge.

Week 3

This week included a Healthy Eating competition run by the Frankston High School Food Tech Team. 

Who could enter? Any of our students and/or staff member.

The theme? Healthy eating. Think brain food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, all the colours of the rainbow.

What does it involve? Cooking/creating a healthy meal, snack or dessert!


Winner to be announced soon.


Week 4

The final Active August challenge is a dress up competition of your favourite sporting personality. 

Please email a picture of you dressed up to  We can’t wait to see all the entries.