Junior Resource Centre (JRC) News

Introducing ClickView

We were very fortunate to launch the new ClickView Audio Visual Library just prior to the start of the current remote learning period.  ClickView has an enormous curriculum specific collection of videos that teachers can share with students remotely, which is ideal in our current situation. Teachers can provide students with a share link, which (after logon) connects the student directly with the video ready to stream.  Students can also browse the ClickView library to assist with their study, or to watch a movie.

As part of the ClickView launch, students now have an EduPass account which they will use to logon.  These details can be found in their ‘Reports’ tab on Compass.

To access simply select ClickView on the Star menu on Compass and logon with the EduPass logon (above).

You will then arrive at the Dashboard

If you select Libraries from the top menu you will be able to choose from 3 different Libraries: 

>The Frankston High School Library is currently being constructed and contains folders directly targeted to units being studied at different year levels e.g. Ancient Rome for Year 7 History.

>The Secondary Library has content across all of the subject areas.  The Maths videos are particularly useful, if like me you have children who ask for help with homework, but you can’t remember your own high school Maths days.

>The Movies and TV library provides access to a huge variety of movies and TV programs, including many latest releases

Students still have access to our existing Smartsuite AV Library (logon from the Compass star menu using Compass details).  Smartsuite is the central access hub to all of our library resources including our catalogue, online databases, ePlatform eBook Library, Reading program page and VCE and Middle School English page.


We hope everyone is coping with remote learning and we look forward to seeing all our regulars in the not too distant future. In the meantime if you need help with anything don’t hesitate to email and I’ll be happy to help: msnooks@fhs.vic.edu.au