Catholic Early Learning Centre (CELC)

Spring has sprung! The children at the CELC have observed the effects of the changing season with the arrival of warmer weather, flowers in the garden outside and increased opportunity to participate in exploratory play outside.

A Book Study - Possum Magic by Mem Fox

Ms Scicluna has led a book study of Possum Magic by Mem Fox. This began during literacy group time where the children listened to the story following the children’s investigations of animal habitats.  The children listened intently to the story, discussing the different parts of Australia. This prompted discussion about Australia and the states and Territories, including the Capital cities where Grandma Poss and Poss visit. 


The children explored maps of Australia, discussing the map and locations of the cities. To further this, Ms Scicluna role played the story in the outside environment with the children. The children visited different parts of Australia, tasting different ‘Australian food” along the way (matching the food from the story) which included lamingtons, Anzac biscuits, pavlova (meringues) and vegemite sandwiches of course!


This was a great opportunity for the children to role play their understanding of the different parts of the story whilst sharing their own experiences and likes/dislikes of Australian food as well as their experiences visiting different parts of Australia.

Race track Literacy Explorations

The outside verandah became a car race track last week. Supporting the children’s creative play where they built cars and trucks using the mobilo, a race track was formed for the cars to race along.


The children displayed their turn taking skills whilst they collaborated and communicated with each other to direct the flow of the traffic.  Road signs were added for the children to incorporate in their play, with the children displaying their emerging literacy awareness of what the different signs were used for.  Chalk was also added to the track and the children drew gardens, car parks and buildings around the track.  Communication, Investigation and collaboration were all on display!

Morning Group Discussions

Morning group discussions in the Teal Room have included inquiries into the different places that animals live. The children in the teal room have explored jungle animals and their habitats whilst the children in the Navy room have been curious to learn specifically about sharks.


The children’s questions about sharks have been the focus of their morning group discussions. Their questions have included “How do sharks swim?” “How do sharks breathe? “What do sharks eat?”  The teachers supported the children’s inquiries, researching information about sharks using information from their peers, watching informational videos and looking at photos of sharks.  Their questions and discoveries have been recorded in the project books which are on display in the foyer.


Last week was Child Protection week with the focus of “Putting children first.” This prompted discussions about what makes the children feel safe. As well as reading the Safe book series to encourage children to be aware of how to stay safe and feel safe.