Lauren Edmunds

Year 7 Coordinator


As Term 3 concludes and we look forward to a well-earned break, it is a great time to reflect back on the Term that we have had. Term 3 began with Students excited about returning to onsite learning. The reasons for excitement were endless, we all missed our peers our mentors and the connection we feel being a part of a wonderful school community. Each week that passed, we saw students engaging in class, in school activities and in Home Group challenges. We celebrated our successes together and recognised individuals for their contributions to positive school community. 


When we received notice that we would all return to remote learning, there were mixed feelings about it. However, we have continued to show resilience, support each other and strive to achieve our own personal best. Although we have been physically separated, we have remained connected. 

Year Level Assemblies

The Year Level assemblies have continued to be a success. Every week we have enjoyed sharing stories and jokes with others whilst keeping up to date on everything that is happening. These will continue while we remain in remote learning and also when we return to onsite learning. 


Engaging in school events

During remote learning, there has been so many dress up days and fun activities from “groovy sock day” to “book week” and many others organised. It has been brilliant to see our Junior School students participating in these. 


We are all so proud of the Junior School students and how well they have adapted to remote learning 2.0. Over the break, please make sure you continue to look after yourselves and those around you. Keep a look out on Compass for important information about return to school dates. Have a safe and restful break. I can’t wait to see all your smiling faces when we return.