Parents & Friends

Pear tart tatin - as taught in the online cooking class run by the P&F: delicious!

P&F International Zoom Cooking Demonstrations


Over the last two Saturdays, the Huntingtower P&F committee has proudly hosted the first two of five online cooking demonstrations.  These have been hosted on Zoom, allowing parents, friends, HT staff and even connections from afar afield as Germany, Canada, India and Indonesia to participate.  These sessions traverse the world of international food, with delicious comfort dishes prepared in the company of friends to help ease us through difficult times. The response to these sessions has been overwhelmingly positive, with our P&F parent host inviting us into her home kitchen and answering questions from panelists whilst stepping us through the preparation of her amazing dishes – all made with love, her ultimate secret ingredient.


These sessions have been testimony to the warmth, love and support implicit in the Huntingtower community.  In an expression of community outreach, we believe the P&F committee has helped to maintain and nurture this thread of connection with 50 – 60 participants attending each session.  We hope that this will continue to grow and invite all within the Huntingtower community to participate, as well as those within our broader circles who’d like to be a part of our 'friendraising'.  We will email our invitation to register the week before every session – this coming Saturday, our stop is in Asia.


We hope you can come along and we look forward to welcoming you once again.



The P&F Committee Quarterly Meeting


Shortly after the Term 4 holidays, the P&F will be running our important quarterly meeting on October 7.  The disruption of Covid-19 and the impact on the school year has made meeting challenging, but with the assistance of technology, the P&F have remained active despite our physical absence from school.  We are currently running our online cooking demonstrations and recently concluded our honey fundraiser.  The quarterly meeting is a keystone meeting of our year and will be attended by our Heads of School, Mr Houghton and Dr McDonald, along with our wonderful class representatives and members of the committee. This will establish the direction for what remains of this year and will bring us up to date with events from the perspective of the school. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the school executive when we convene our quarterly meeting and continuing our role as the connection between the parent group and the school.