The Chaplaincy Team

A Christian Science perspective

Abundant Supply

During lockdown, Huntingtower has hosted online classes, webinars, chess and debating, guest speakers, parent teacher interviews, exercise sessions, fun days, magicians, exams, meetings, assemblies, vlogs, honey drives, cooking classes, a Minecraft Club, a travel club, a virtual choir, a virtual orchestra and more.  


Everything needed to run these programs was already at hand within the school.  We already had the IT personnel and infrastructure, Microsoft Teams, staff with know-how, cameras, recorders, parents and students with commitment and adaptability and the necessary creativity and energy.  Everything and every thought were at hand.


When 5000 people needed nourishment in a remote place, Jesus first asked 'How many loaves of bread do you have? Go and see.' (Mark 6:38) He knew the answer: the resource, the supply, would already be there. Once he blessed the found loaves and fishes and had given gratitude for them, there was enough to feed everyone with plenty to spare. Supply is an idea, an unlimited idea. 'Things' are the manifestation of 'thoughts' and thoughts are unlimited. 


Many of our community will be anxious about the economic impact of the pandemic.  Mary Baker Eddy understood the infinite 'idea' of supply. She said 'My income is the incoming of right ideas. It comes instantly, constantly, continually day and night. It is my God being'.  Again: 'My income is the incoming of right ideas…'


In his book Possession, Adam H Dickey, who was part of the Mary Baker Eddy's household, uses the analogy of numbers to demonstrate this idea. Let's imagine a scenario where numbers are actual 'objects' rather than mental concepts: 'One accountant needs a few of the numbers 5 and 7 for his work.  He asks a colleague for them, but the colleague says he hasn't enough, because he needs them for his own work!  We know, however, that 'figures are not things but thoughts; they are mental concepts, and as such they are available to everyone' (page 16).


Talk on Christian Science


If you would like to hear more on Christian Science and the values that underpin Huntingtower, or if you are facing any challenges in your life, we encourage you to attend this webinar by Phillip Hockley CS on 20th September. 

Phillip Hockley CS
Phillip Hockley CS


It will be inspirational. Check out the speaker’s one minute promotional chat which outlines the topic and then if you are interested, you will need to register online beforehand and a couple of reminders will be sent to you closer to the time.