Myrniong - ELC to Yr6

RLP-2 and Growth Mindset

This week’s Assembly theme was ‘Growth Mindset’.   In a fixed mindset, we believe things like intelligence or artistic ability are inborn and can’t be improved upon.  In utilising a growth mindset, we do not believe these things are fixed quantities and that we can improve and grow.  In a fixed mindset, we are closed off to possibilities.  In a growth mindset, we are flexible and open.  In a fixed mindset, problems stop us in our tracks. In a growth mindset, they get solved.  There has never been a more important time to embrace the growth mindset than in our unexpected distance learning climate.  I would like to take the opportunity to commend the students, teachers and parents on their adoption of a growth mindset throughout RLP-1 and RLP-2.  As a Junior School learning community, we can all be very proud of our efforts.  A growth mindset has allowed us to embrace getting stuck and unstuck in the remote learning environment.  As educators, our hope is that skills and mindsets developed by our students in RLP-1 and RLP-2 will serve them well into the future. 


I wish all members of the Junior School learning community a safe, happy and well-earned holiday.  We look forward to face to face teaching in Term Four, and a productive, engaging and energising final term. 

Tournament of Minds

Congratulations to the Years Four, Five and Six students who participated in the 2020 Tournament of Minds competition - Alison Foster, Marianna Novikov, Phoebe Alexander, Will Templeton, Jack Mann, Jack Wallis, Tom Templeton, Finlay Hunt, Lachlan Reid, Lucas Rouse, Alex Donovan, Josh Noske, Finley Hiscock, Tom Nagorcka, Charlie Hiscock, Rupert Merrin, Wil Balkin, Evie Kennedy, Isla Reilly, Sophie Spence, Amelia Bradbeer and Molly Walker.   Like all school activities, this year’s competition looked very different.  Teams were asked to collaboratively work online to create a video to solve a ‘Quo Vadis’ problem.  They could choose a problem from STEM, The Arts, Social Science or Language Literature.  There were over 150 teams throughout Victoria participating.  The four Junior School teams should be proud of their collective efforts. Special thanks to Mrs. Anna Robertson for facilitating the 2020 TOM challenge. 


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School

Early Learning Centre

We have had a wonderful Term Three at the Early Learning Centre.  We remained operational throughout the term with 99% attendance.  It was so good to be able to support our families during these difficult times, and in particular maintain a continuity of learning for our early learners.  I wish to thank my staff, Gabbi Bensch, Katrina Bull, Nadine Stewart and Bernie Kelvy – who were all on site each day delivering our early learning curriculum, while they too had their own children at home in remote learning.  These are challenging times for us all and I thank them most sincerely for their dedication, passion and energy.  We all deserve a much needed rest in readiness for the exciting term ahead.


We wish all our families a safe and happy break and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you all back for Term Four on Monday 5th October.


Frances O'Brien