Uniform Shop

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8:15am—10:30am

Friday     1:30pm—3:30pm

Second hand uniforms are available.

Important News

The Uniform Shop will be closed on Tuesday 12 March, Friday 15 March and Tuesday 19 March.

Fittings for Year 1 and new students to the School for Winter Uniforms will be:

Tuesday 26 March, Friday 29 March, Tuesday 2 April, Friday 5 April, Tuesday 9 April and

Friday 12 April.

Please put your name on the roster outside the Uniform Shop (on the white board). This time is allocated to fittings as it alleviates the queue outside the Uniform Shop.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Online Ordering

Remember you can order online, you do not have to come into the shop as the items will be delivered to your child’s classroom.  Alternatively, there is an order form on the website so you can email me the order and it will also be delivered to your child’s classroom.

Refund Policy

There are no returns on socks, hats and tights so please select carefully.  Once, they leave the shop, they cannot be returned.


Tania Longman

Uniform Shop Manageress