Science at Home

by Sam McClure

Consuming the products of our science experiments is not permitted in the science lab, but at home we had the opportunity to taste the forbidden fruits of our scientific endeavors. No longer did we have access to Bunsen burners, a lab tech and a cupboard full of volatile chemicals. Instead we turned to our kitchen cupboards!


The first two weeks of Year 8 Science saw students testing the strength of glue they made from milk, vinegar and bicarbonate soda. Although this wasn't something most of us would want to consume, it still provided an insight into scientific processes and some interesting results.


Ellie Franc's Mouldy Bread Experiment - Some great mould growth over a two week period!
Ellie Franc's Mouldy Bread Experiment - Some great mould growth over a two week period!


The next two weeks were even less delectable; observing the incredible mold and bacterial growth on bread that had been in contact with sanitised and un-sanitised surfaces.




The final two weeks were what many had been waiting for! Earlier in the term, students were taunted with holding sugar over a flame and watching it transition to caramel, until it was bitter, black and burnt. The students now had the treat of making caramel they could eat! Students observed the irreversible chemical change from crystalline white sugar to a rich, deep brown caramel. Some burnt it, and some enjoyed it with apple crumble!


Ryan Gerrard’s Caramel - just a little overdone.
Ryan Gerrard’s Caramel - just a little overdone.
Mr McClure’s Caramel - for dessert with some Apple Crumble. Yum!!
Mr McClure’s Caramel - for dessert with some Apple Crumble. Yum!!
















As a whole, the students have done a wonderful job adapting to their new science classrooms, and we look forward to welcoming them back to their regular science labs in Term 4!