Art at Home

by Karne Mc Gregor

Top right: Landscape painting by Felicity .S, 8B

Year 7B and 8B Still Life Drawing


During remote learning, classes 7B and 8B having been practising still life drawing using graphite pencil. The students were required to find objects from around the home and arrange them into a composition. They were then required to sketch the objects, focusing on placement, scale, tone and textural qualities. Some of their sketches are pictured below.


Above: Still life sketches by Jacob .K, 7B


Above: Still life sketches by Zarie .T, 7B




Above: Still life sketches by Kaela .A, 8B


Above: Still life sketches by Ethan .H & Jake .S of 7B


Above: Still life sketch by Felicity .S, 8B


Year 8B Landscape Painting


Another activity 8B focused on, while learning from home, was landscape painting. Students were asked to take a break from their computer screens and go outside to sketch the landscape of their home environment. Using the completed sketch as a guide, the students were then asked to create a landscape artwork, either with watercolour paints or, they could improvise and use a household product such as instant coffee, to create the same effect. As you can see in the pictures, they have done a fantastic job!


Above: Landscape painting by Kaela .A, 8B


Below: Landscape painting by Josiah .P, 8B


8A VCD One Point Perspective Drawing


8A students have been focusing on technical drawing or "one point perspective" drawing. Here we have some great examples from Keanna and Tianna