Dear McKinnon Community, 


In August my brother and I decided to start a fundraiser to raise donations for the StrokeFoundation. Our grandfather, who lives by himself in Canberra, suffered a stroke at the beginning of August and due to restrictions we have not been able to see him at all.


On Monday 31 August we decided that we would travel the distance of where we live inMelbourne, to where he lives in Canberra. Luckily for us it was 666km, so we decided to try and complete it in 66 days. On Friday 30 October it was day 61 and we have travelled 607km. Meaning that we only have 59km left to go in 5 days!!!  


Honestly, we did not expect to raise more than $1000 as we just expected our close family and friends to donate, but a massive thank you to everyone who has donated. I can proudly say that we have raised $5,427 so far and we are really hoping to reach our goal of $6666!!!!

If you could donate, we would love you too!


100% of donations go towards the Stroke Foundation, which go towards a variety of places including:

  • $25 delivers a My Stroke Journey Pack
  • $45 provides advice and support from a health professional on StrokeLine
  • $137 trains a volunteer to deliver StrokeSafe community talks to raise awareness of theF.A.S.T signs of stroke
  • $500 helps stroke researches with the funding they need to deliver the next game-changer in stroke

If you wish to donate to our fundraiser please click on the link below :) 


For more information about The Stroke Foundation here is the link to their page:


A massive thanks in advance for everyone who has supported us on this journey. It means the absolute world to us that so many of you are willing to help us :)) If you cannot donate please share our story and link to those you know, we are hoping to get as many people as possible to join us. 


My poppy is currently doing very well. He is at home now and is able to do most things by himself. He has improved well beyond what he expected. He is able to do a lot of the things that he originally could not do but there are still some things that he can’t. 


Much love 


Jordy and Cody Freeman

Year 11 and Year 7 Students