VCE News
Year 12 Valedictory
On Friday 10th December, the school was able to officially farewell the graduating class of 2021 at the annual Valedictory Dinner. Held on site in the newly refurbished college stadium, over 300 guests were able to farewell an amazing cohort who were able to withstand two years of remote learning due to the COVID pandemic. We were very fortunate to be able to host family and friends on the night for the first time since 2019, and are very grateful for their support and attendance. Special guests on the evening including our Federal Member for Dunkley Peta Murphy, as well as St Kilda midfielder Jack Bytel, who announced that the Club would be sponsoring the Valedictorian award for 2022. A special congratulations must go to our Valedictorians for the evening Sam Conell and Beth Sampson, who epitomised what it means to be a Senior School student at McClelland College. Thank you to our major sponsors of the evening, particularly Tic Tax Accounting, who finance the lion’s share of the financial awards, as well as to all of the helpers and assistants who make the night such an amazing event on the school calendar. Congratulations again to the amazing Class of 2021!
Year 12 Results
The fun is not over yet for our Class of 2021, who are waiting in anticipation of their VCE results to be released this Thursday 16th December. These results will determine what 2022 and beyond will look like for a cohort of individuals who have faced an array of challenges like no other. The Senior School team look forward to celebrating the amazing achievements of all students that day with a BBQ to be held at the College. Careers staff will be on hand to assist any students with modifying their preferences if need be.
Year 12 Study Camp
The 2022 Year 12 Study Camp will be taking place at Federation University, Berwick on Wednesday 2nd February until Thursday 3rd February. Students will have the opportunity to experience life on an internationally recognised university campus, staying in the accommodation normally reserved for fee paying students. They will get a taste of a number of subjects the university offers, and will have a range of presenters speaking to them throughout the two days. The main focus of the camp will be to hone their study skills, manage stress and the competing demands of VCE, as well as developing professional relationships with both their teachers and peers in order to maximise their results in 2022. Students and parents are asked to keep their eyes on Compass for any updates regarding the experience, and are invited to contact either Mr Hemsley or Mr Carlton if there are any questions.
RMIT University Excursion
On Wednesday 16th February, the College has organised an excursion to RMIT University inthe city. The purpose of the excursion is to conduct a tour of the campus, with students provided an opportunity to attend lectures and tutorials introducing them to university life. This is an opt in excursion, and all Year 11 and 12 students are invited to attend.
VCE Special Provision
A reminder that VCE special provision paperwork must be returned to the College as soon aspossible. Please contact either Robyn Andrews or Dan Carlton for further information.