Social Justice 2021 News

The 2021 Mission Action Day generated more excitement than ever as we were determined to make up for last year’s cancellation and combine two years into one.  The March MAD-ness lead up built the energy and started the fundraising in fine form. We were delighted to have the opportunity to raise much-needed funds to support the work of the Oblates and celebrate MAD with the College community.


Whilst our actions were once again impacted, we managed to have Year 12 students volunteer for Rosies Youth Mission outreach in Term 1 and 2, make new friends at Building Bridges program, celebrate National Reconciliation Week online, participate in Social Justice Leadership workshops via Zoom and continue to raise awareness of the ways that we strive to ‘leave nothing undared to establish the Kingdom of God’.


We look forward to rebuilding next year and reinvigorating our program of events as we accept our responsibility to safeguard and promote the common good of society.


Mission Action Day 2021




Ms Jacinta Girolami

Social Justice Coordinator