Retreats and Staff Formation 2021 Report

This year, our Retreat Programme at Mazenod took on a new piquancy, with fresh faces to the Oblate Faith and Mission Team. All students from Year 7 to 12 participated in and experienced a variety of reflection days and retreats throughout the year. With guest presenters Josh Angrisano, David Kobler and Youth Mission Team Melbourne, our students were given the opportunity to explore, deepen and nurture their faith, in the Oblate spirit. Our parents from the Junior School also enjoyed an informative evening online on the topic, “Raising Teens in a Hyper-sexualised Society” with the magnificent team from YourChoicez.


A wonderful highlight of our 2021, was the Year 12 retreat!


Year 12 Retreat

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. What I know now is only partial; then it will be complete – as complete as God’s knowledge of me” ~ 1 Corinthians 13: 11-13


Guided by their retreat leaders and Homeroom Teachers, our students set aside some time to stop and take a break from the busyness of Year 12, to reflect on their lives, who they are becoming and their personal relationships with self, family, friends and God. The retreat provided students with a meaningful experience of faith meeting everyday life, and spoke to the issues facing young people today, challenging our young men to become godly people of values, character and integrity.


Jerome Lawrence of Year 12 shares his experience:

“A clear standout of this year has been the Year 12 Retreat, which was a fantastic opportunity to slow down, reflect and connect with friends, teachers and most importantly God, during this busy and stressful year of high school. A personal highlight was listening to our Homeroom teachers Mr Spasic and Mr Young, speak on ‘what it means to be a man’ - shedding light on the importance of respect, relationships, and courage. During the evening, we had a time of quiet and prayer, where we received letters from our parents and were given the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. The retreat was also a fantastic time to eat good food and to chill with mates. Overall, it was a classic and meaningful experience.”


Unfortunately due to the ongoing pandemic, some of our faith-based opportunities for students and staff did not eventuate. Our Year 10 students were looking forward to the Ignite Conference in Brisbane as well as meeting and hearing from some of our homeless brothers and sisters from inner-city Melbourne, connected with Jesuit Social Services and the St Vincent de Paul Society. The College community still managed, however, after an amazing effort just before lockdown, to collate a wonderful amount of goods to donate to our local Parish charities for our Winter Appeal. A big thank you to all our staff and students for this wonderful gesture of de Mazenod spirit. We are very much looking forward to we pray, a better 2022 for us all!  





Mr Cristiano Grosso

Retreats & Staff Formation Coordinator