Principal's News







As our Year 12 students conclude their final exam period and indeed their formal schooling, I thought it appropriate to devote this edition of Grammar News to our Graduates, whilst at the same time embracing all students and staff of Oakleigh Grammar.  


I will do this through the power of prayer.

Our loving Heavenly Father

Psalm 145 declares the Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love.

The Lord is good to all. He has compassion in all He has made.

So we call on you to show love and grace and compassion to our School, Oakleigh Grammar. 

We pray for the families of our School.

We thank you for the parents, grandparents, guardians and care givers who provide for, love and guide their children.

Please sustain them with patience and energy and as they continue to navigate the many trials of 2021.

Lord grant them immeasurable wisdom to meet the challenges of raising a generation who are connected globally, immersed in technology, saturated by information and who have experienced higher mental health issues than previous generations.

We pray that you will protect our children and our youth.

May they know peace and belonging in their families and at their school, church and community.

May they receive support and care when they experience struggles and hardships of any kind.

Guard them from illness, abuse and harm as you reveal your Fatherly goodness and care for them all of their days.

We pray for our School and thank you for the remarkable gift of learning so that we can study your world and gain true knowledge and learn from one another.

We pray for those who teach and thank them for their extraordinary efforts to manage the COVID impacted teaching environment this year.

May all our teachers continue to grow in knowledge, creativity, communication and care as they continue to play a crucial role in the youngest minds and hearts of our School. 

Finally, we entrust this generation to you.  

May they learn truth, foster empathy, grown in integrity and depend on you as their Redeemer, Creator and Shepherd.

Prepare them now through their education to lead our country in decades to come with justice and peace and to wisely use the resources of this wonderful land for the benefit and welfare of us all.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.



Staff News


Best wishes are extended to Ms Varvara Pavlidou and Mrs Chitra Wijesinghe as they recover from their respective operations.  


I wish to advise of the following staff who will be leaving us at the end of this year:

Ms Dianna Constantinou (Arrowsmith Teacher), Mrs Marissa Andrews (Junior School Teacher), Mrs Jenny Sare (Junior School Teacher), 

Ms Kaela Ontong (Marketing), 

Mr Josh Sperling (Mathematics Teacher), 

Mrs Judy Martin (EAL Teacher), 

Mr Josh Ellenberg (Media Studies Teacher), Mrs Louise Crossley (EAL Teacher), 

Mrs Popi Roumeliotis, 

Ms Stephanie Porteous (Learning Enhancement), and 

Mrs Hui Lee Harvey (International Students Coordinator). 

We wish them well with their future endeavours.


Congratulations are extended to Mr Guanghua Wu for being accepted into the prestigious Bastow Institute Teaching Excellence Program.


Stay Safe

Stay Well

God Bless