Wellbeing News

2022 Prep Orientation

A very big welcome to our Prep students for 2022.  Over the past two weeks, children have been visiting our school and preparing for next year.  We look forward to seeing our new preps again this week on Friday. 

We are grateful that we can allow children on site to help them prepare for the exciting world of school.  


Congratulations to Year One Blue, who worked together as a class to demonstrate our value of respect.  The students of One Blue could be heard saying “Good morning. How are you?” They were also heard saying “please” and “Thank you”.  These students were also seen taking care of friends, being helpful, sharing and taking turns.  Such respectful behaviour was rewarded with over 200 respect cards, making One Blue be our winning class, as seen below munching on their winning ice pole.

We look forward to next week, finding out who will be the class showing the most respect to all in our school community.

Covid Safety

Over the past week, some students have felt quite anxious about friends who are sick and classes being out.  Please reassure students that school is following all the required safety measures, including keeping the classroom well ventilated. (It may be worth packing in a coat to help keep children warm, particularly on cooler days). We recognise the need to work together to keep others safe and so remind parents to keep children at home if they are unwell.  

Our students who are learning from home are managing well and need to be congratulated for their resilience along with their parents.  The past six months have certainly helped us to bend and sway and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.  We continue to pray for all those who are learning from home and those who are unwell.

Feeling Proud

Attached is a small activity designed for children to make in recognition of their efforts and perseverance - even when the going got tough.  These are important family discussions and in particular for parents to model how they use positive self talk to help them manage through tough times.