Careers News

Changed Dates from NESA and UAC for Year 12 Students
Now the HSC has started, some students will start to receive offers of courses by UAC from 12 November. NESA and UAC have changed the dates for the release of the HSC results, ATARs and dates for changing preferences and releasing offers.
NESA key dates:
Tuesday 9 November 2021 - HSC written exams start
Monday 24 January 2022 - HSC results released.
UAC key dates:
As well as changed dates, there is much information still being sent out to Year 12 students by universities, colleges and TAFE plus a lot of opportunities with regards to jobs, scholarships and so much more. This information is updated weekly on the Careers@McCarthy website’s Newsletter page
Full Time Jobs
There has never been a better time for school leavers seeking full time employment especially in the form of Apprenticeships and traineeships. I receive emails and phone calls from employers most days of the week at the moment. Details are posted on the full-time jobs Google Classroom and also some are emailed to Year 12 if it relates to them e.g. gap year jobs.
The McCarthy Year 12 2021 Careers Book which was given to students in Term 2 contains examples of cover letters and resumes to assist our job seekers. More information can be found the Careers@McCarthy website’s Where to find jobs page.
Summer Skills
This is a fee-free* short course program to support skill development over the summer months for school leavers aged between 16 – 24 years.
See the link that outlines the courses available for your school leavers. All Summer Skills short courses are fee-free. They are subsidised by the NSW Government using Job Trainer.
Some of the courses have enrolment links available on the flyer, those that don’t will need to be directed to the Summer Skills landing page, as courses and links will be updated daily Summer Skills Short Courses for School Leavers - TAFE NSW Students can call TAFE Summer Skills on 131 601 for any assistance.
Check your eligibility, you must meet Smart and Skilled eligibility guidelines, which are:
- live or work in NSW
- be an Australian Citizen, a permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen, or a humanitarian visa holder
- have left school
AND be either:
- a 2021 school leaver, 16 years of age or over, or
- Other young person, aged 16 – 24, and not at school
The Summer Skills website will be updated as the courses become available for enrolments. Final enrolments will not close until the end of February, and training can be completed until the end of April 2022. Plenty of time for a post HSC break, before jumping into some job ready training!
Work Experience Update
It has been very disappointing and difficult for students who had work experience organised only to have this unable to proceed due to COVID restrictions in Term 3. The updated Level 3 Guidelines released last week state:
Under current guidelines work experience is only possible when it is essential for students e.g. seeking SBATs in 2022 or those seeking full time employment in 2022 e.g. full time apprenticeship or traineeship.
Mrs Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser