Inclusion Team

Disability Provisions for Exams
I would like to advise that if your child has a learning difficulty or disability that may, in a normal examination situation, prevent him/her from reading examination questions, and/or communicating his/her responses, or they suffer debilitating anxiety that a medical professional is working on with them; you may make an application to the College for your child to receive disability provisions for exams.
Some of the provision options may include:
- Reader
- Writer
- Extra time
- Larger font size
- Rest breaks
- Diabetic provisions
- Separate supervision
Criteria - Years 10-11
For a student in Years 10-11, ONE or more of the following criteria should be met to qualify for examination provisions:
- Greater than two year’s delay in reading and/or spelling on a standardised measure, less than 12 months old.
- Physical/medical condition (authenticated by medical documentation less than 12 months old: except where an existing medical condition/diagnosis will not change with time,), or
- Mental health condition (authenticated by school psychologist and/or medical or mental health practitioner).
Criteria - Year 12
- Students must apply for and be approved Disability Provisions from NESA in Year 12 for HSC exams - APPLICATIONS for the 2022 HSC examinations are now open and applications should be made prior to the end of Term 1 2022. If a student is intending to apply for Disability Provisions for the 2022 HSC, contact me this term for the relevant documentation.
- Only provisions granted by NESA will be offered. It is essential to have all relevant supporting evidence to accompany an application for NESA to consider requests made.
Should you feel that provisions would benefit your child, please make contact with me by emailing
Kylie Mulholland - Leader of Inclusion