Principal's Report

Congratulations Year 12
Congratulations to Year 12 students (and their parents and teachers), for persisting, despite various frustrations and barriers, to the HSC Exam period. Our Year 12 students got through, showed an empathy for others and finished up with a resilient good grace and plenty of smiles. They were given the opportunity to make choices about what they needed over the last weeks of formal schooling and it was heartening to see the many sensible and pragmatic choices taken. We wish them all the best for the remaining HSC Exams and for their Graduation on December 7.
Vertical Mentor Groups 2022
I can confirm that we are proceeding with the Vertical Mentor Group structure proposed for next year.
Here is a breakdown of the responses to the Google Form sent to students, parents and staff asking for feedback from those concerned about the proposal:
- 58 students (Yr 11 - 3 students, Yr 10 - 14 students, Yr 9 - 12 students, Yr 8 - 18 students, Yr 7 - 6 students)
- 8 parents
- 1 staff.
The majority of concerns were about student anticipated anxiety with mixing with students of other Year groups. I hear and understand this concern. It is one of the cultural aspects of the College that we are working to address. One of the anticipated benefits of a vertical structure is stronger relationships across different Year groups and a stronger connection to school for more of our students.
I will make sure that each student who expressed this concern, and those whose parents expressed this concern, will have first call on a preferred mentor teacher and House Leader. They will have early access to support to reduce any anxiety and to ease them into the new setting if that is required.
Next steps include:
- Two new Houses named
- Students asked to nominate if they are happy to change Houses to one of the new Houses
- Leaders of Student Care appointed to Houses
- School Captains and House Captains appointed
- Staff allocated to Mentor Groups
- 7-11 students placed in Houses and Mentor Groups
Please recall the work done on the Living Well Learning Well framework, and the alignment of this proposal with that framework. The aim is to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes, with a more cohesive and focused start to the school day. This move has been an important and effective improvement strategy in similar regional schools and I urge all to contribute positively to making it work here at McCarthy Catholic College.
All the best,
Mr Rod Whelan - Principal