Celebrating Student Learning

This week right across the school we observed NAIDOC week. The NAIDOC week theme of 'Always Was, Always Will Be' recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.



Many classes used this resource to complete some 'Listening to Country' mindfulness. You might enjoy using it at home with your child or during your own mindful practice. 



Foundation students thought about how they can 'care for Country'


Grade 1 planned their own Dreamtime stories using Indigenous symbols.


Grade 3 and 4 attended a virtual excursion with the National Gallery of Victoria. 

The 'Marking Time' exhibition explores drawings and markings of figures, signs or text made on public surfaces across Indigenous Australia, from rock face to now. The impulse to draw and make images is deeply embedded in Indigenous cultures throughout the world and is fundamental to the human experience.


Grades 5 and 6 role-play 

In Performing Arts, the 5s and 6s read a Dreamtime Story from central Australia called 'The Lost Joey', and then used their bodies to create shapes that represented the characters and settings depicted in the story.