Specialist News
Term 4
Specialist News
Term 4
It has been a busy (and hot) few weeks in PE!
In the senior school, the students have been learning all about lacrosse. There has been lots of scooping, throwing and catching happening and I have been so impressed with how quickly the skills have been picked up. We played 'Number Lacrosse' to give everybody a chance to have a try of a shortened version of the game and this week we will be extending that to a 5-a-side version.
The Junior School students have continued to work on their cricket skills over the past three weeks and it has been fantastic to see their continuing development.
In Year 1/2 we have worked on batting off a tee in a modified game of cricket and bowling using the 'Little Star, Big Star, Rock and Roller' technique. The students have been doing a great job of pointing their bodies in the right direction and keeping arms straight. During Book Week it was a lot of fun being all dressed up for PE!
The Foundation students have been practicing their underarm throwing and catching. Our games of 'Scorcher Ball' have been great for building accuracy, while partner throwing and catching with beanbags has helped students to learn to control the power of their throws and keeping hands ready to catch.
Senior: Ollie S (5/6SB)
For being such an enthusiastic first-time lacrosse player during 'Number Lacrosse'. You made sure to make your best effort with every round and were able to demonstrate the scooping and throwing skills you have been learning. Fantastic job, Ollie!
Junior: Sam S (1/2W)
What an impressive effort, Sam! You did a great job on your bowling portfolio task, especially in making sure to include some helpful tips for new bowlers. You did an awesome job of really focusing on your work and not allowing yourself to be distracted by others. Well done, Sam!
Senior: Kaiesha J (5/6SB)
For showing excellent listening skills when answering questions about a Sports player profile and being a wonderful team player during our game of bulu tangkis (badminton). Hebat, Kaiesha!
Junior: Matilda F (FD)
Bagus sekali, Matilda! You did a wonderful job with matching classroom objects with their labels! You showed confidence and a love of learning in your picture matching and drawing task as well!
Senior: Sienna V (3/4M)
For the perseverance and open-mindedness you demonstrated in the creation of your Respectful Relationships Poster. I am super proud to acknowledge - you have re-worked your initial ideas and taken feedback on board and triumphed. How good is the outcome! Keep up your excellent attitude.
Junior: Ryan Z (1/2E)
You have once again aced your art activity. What a superb display of perseverance and appreciation of beauty. You amaze me again and again with the effortless ease in which you complete your art tasks - always patient, creative and playful. Wonderful to see you blossom in this subject. A well deserved student of the week.
Senior: Lachy S and Alan G (3/4M)
For demonstrating outstanding comic timing and team work when performing their clowning skit to the class. Great work!
Junior: Viraj S (1/2BR)
For displaying love of learning and teamwork in this week's Performing Arts task. You always listen, follow instructions respectfully and approach each activity with enthusiasm and focus. Well done, Viraj.