Discovery Centre

We have had another fantastic week in the Discovery Centre, racing towards the end of the year. We are looking forward to lots more fun learning and activities in the last weeks of school.
Last week in Writing, students continued their focus on narratives and explored how we can use an ‘Ollie Opener’ to hook the reader in and make the start of our writing more interesting. Students then used these openers in their own narrative story about going to the beach or in a garden. It was great to see some of the interesting problems and solutions students came up with in their stories, such as a tsunami, a black hole and a shark.
In Mathematics students continued to explore the concept of sharing objects fairly. This week students practised sharing through a variety of stories, such as sharing strawberries between the Foundation teachers and cookies with friends. Students also made up their own sharing stories for their portfolios and had the opportunity to solve classmate’s sharing stories the following day.
In Guided Inquiry we continued to explore materials and how to make paper stronger so that we could use it to make a bridge for our Billy Goats. We are looking forward to seeing all the amazing creations come together at the end of the unit 'The Bridge and Beyond.
In Wellbeing this week we focused on the idea of gender norms and that everyone can be strong and gentle. We began the day with a workout and then read the book ‘Artsy Boys and Smelly Girls’ by Elise Gravel which challenges gender norms, to help students understand that they can be anything they want to be and can be comfortable being themselves. Students then created their own page of this book, which reflects them, which was bound and made into a class book. Students love to explore this book in the reading corner in the classroom.
This week our students will be learning about water safety through our 'Dry Swimming Program'. On Wednesday we will be having a dress up day where students can wear board shorts and rash vests or 'summer' clothes (not bathing suits).
Have a great week!
Foundation Team.
Student Voice
What is something that you feel proud of?
- Troy M - "I'm proud of doing my work properly"
- Jerry J - "I'm proud of myself in Art because I make things and have lots of fun"
- Nicole S - "I learn a lot of things"
- Traffic Safety Walking Excursion - Wednesday 2 December. Please provide permission for your child through Sentral and bring a stamped and addressed envelope for your child to post a letter. You and your child can decide who to sent the letter to and we will write letters in class.
- School Photos - Friday November 27th
Pupil of the Week
FD: Nicole S -
For showing a love of learning in codes groups this week. You applied your knowledge of the codes to spell some really tricky words and begin learning the codes rules. Fantastic work Nicole!
FH: Tina W -
For using creativity to write your own narrative! Well done for including an interesting Ollie Opener, a problem and a solution! Keep up the fantastic work Tina!
FG: Samy C -
For demonstrating a love of learning during Codes Groups this week. You worked hard to contribute to the discussions and wrote down 'CVC' words through your knowledge of the vowels. Keep up the great work Samy!
FJ: Jayden L -
For working hard each week to improve your Sharing Time presentation. You always ensure you use a clear, loud voice and make eye contact with your audience. Keep up the great work Jayden!