Independence Centre

Selamat siang!
What would you do if you ruled the world? Ask any of the 3/4 students and they will let you know some of their most convincing arguments! Last week, each student had the opportunity to present their persuasive speech to their class. The teachers were blown away by the expressive voices, emotive language and carefully researched facts that were presented. Keep an eye out for video recordings of these speeches popping up on Seesaw soon!
In Reading sessions across the week, students practised making inferences using a combination of supporting evidence from the text and their own prior knowledge and experiences. Throughout the week, we made inferences using nonfiction news articles, fiction short stories and video. Some students even had the opportunity to listen to and take notes on an ABC ‘Fierce Girls’ podcast for their reciprocal reading group.
In Maths sessions, the students created their own question to gather data with. Their challenge was to develop an inquiry question that had more than one different response. For example, some students were surveying their classmates about their favourite video game, and then organising that information into Year 3 students and Year 4 students. Later on in the week, students represented this data in the form of a dual or composite bar graph, that illustrated the various information. Some students had the opportunity to explore dot plot graphs, and discuss the language of mean, median and mode.
In Guided Inquiry, many students started testing their balloon powered cars. There has been lots of problem solving, changes and improvements having to be made after tests not quite going to plan. Please feel free to send any recyclable materials your child needs from home.
Just a reminder that the 3/4 onsite camp notice has been sent out to parents through Sentral. Please make sure that you have given your child permission to attend the extended stay event on Thursday 3rd of December, from 3:15-5:30pm. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Have a lovely week!
From your 3/4 Teachers :)
Student Voice
What are you most proud of about your persuasive speech?
- Brock W - "I am most proud of all the information I collected."
- Sasha F - "I’m proud that I could share it in front of the class."
- Edith - "I’m proud that I took my time to complete it carefully to make it awesome!"
- Staggered start and end times across the school (8:45am start, 3:15pm finish)
- Students need to wear hats this term
- Students require headphones
- Camp noticed to be filled out through Sentral by December 2nd
Pupil of the Week
3/4D: Nishtha V -
Great work on using your strength of leadership when making decisions that effect others when creating your balloon powered car. Keep up the great work Nishtha!
3/4G: Blake F -
For using your strengths of humour to create an engaging and well written ‘If I Ruled the World’ speech. You should be so proud of your hard work and dedication to perfecting the presentation. Well done, Blake!
3/4K: Natasha G -
For demonstrating confidence and creativity when presenting your persuasive speech to the grade. You organised your arguments and practiced your speech so you could present your ideas effectively and engage your audience. Keep up the great work Natasha!
3/4M: Lachie S -
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when presenting his 'If I Ruled the World' speech to the class. You presented with such great expression and used a range of persuasive devices to captivate your audience. Amazing effort, Lachie!
3/4R: Arnav C -
For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning when working on your graphs in Mathematics. It was great to see you challenge yourself and take your learning to the next level by finding the mean, median and mode. Excellent work, Arnav!!