Keep on Connecting

Reuniting the Year 12s and their Prep buddies.
Preps and Year 12s enjoyed their time doing some activities together on Friday 16th October. Together they had a Scavenger Hunt and Picnic on a beautiful Spring day.
On Friday 16th October, the Year 12 students challenged their teachers to a Netball match during lunch time. The students brought their best and defied the odds to take out the win, much to their teachers' dismay.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate the Year 12s last school days in some fun leisure time before the exam period is in full swing.
Can't say enough of how good this was, watching those kids laugh during the movie was beautiful. - Mrs Lepileo
At 3pm on Friday 9th October, about fifty-four eager students waited to go on camp. Virtual camp that is! The year 3 camp this year was a wonderful event held entirely online.
To begin with, Mrs Albertus and Miss Elliott welcomed the students and teachers who were to be a part of the camp. Mrs Hughes was the Zoom master who designated us all into our different breakout rooms and moved us all around somewhat like chess pieces. Mrs Lepileo and Mrs Hendricks lit up the screens and were invaluable in assisting us with the rotational activities that kicked off the camp.
After some modified versions of Charades, Pictionary, Celebrity Heads and Scattegories with Mrs Albertus and Miss Elliott in which the children participated with zest and zeal, we had a song and poetry time with the effervescent and talented Mrs Wansbrough. The children sang along heartily in their homes and did the actions - every one of them out of time due to internet speeds and lag; but no-one minded!
Mr Grant delighted and amazed us all with his knowledge of astronomy and the night skies. One of our students even had his own telescope out in the garden, looking at the stars and planets as Mr Grant spoke. Students and teachers alike were enraptured by a devotional by the ever-engaging Mrs Hughes who spoke on the importance of having the Bible as our power source.
After our dinner break, the children plus various siblings, pets and cuddly toys, all cozied up in their home-made forts or tents in their pajamas or onesies and watched the movie, Paddington 2, enjoying their snacks of marshmallows, popcorn and hot chocolate which were sent to them in packs from the school. Mrs Hughes even managed to stay awake, thanks to the watchful eyes and warnings from some of the more alert Zoomers!
All in all, we had a most amazing time. Of course, it was disappointing that we couldn’t go on our usual camp to ADANAC, but I think that as a plan B, this virtual camp was definitely one not to be forgotten!
Miss Rebecca Elliot
Year 3 Teacher
Virtual Camp Reflections:
Thank you to all the teachers who made a Zoom camp. Special thanks to you!
Honestly, when I received the notice, I thought more online stuff? I didn’t pay attention that much until my son received a special treat snack, he was so excited! I realised how much he was looking forward to doing a 'camp' like this. Once it had ended he said “That was fun! I want to have it again, I'm so looking forward to going to school!” It was so nice to watch him having fun in a new way, so thank you! - Year 3 Parent
Thank you to all the teachers for organising the Virtual Camps! It means a lot to the kids during the tough lockdown. When the camp was finished, my son came out to me and said “Best camp ever”. I then asked him, which part was the best bit? “Every part!” he replied. - Year 4 Parent
I enjoyed the movie Paddington. I liked the activities and games we played. I enjoyed the stars activity because it was very cool. - Michelle Chen
I liked the games, the poems, the forts and the movie. I liked the forts because they were really hard to build but really fun. - Neil Chong
The movie ‘Paddington 2’ was funny and enjoyable. As well as the movie the activities were also enjoyable. The star gazing with Mr Grant was interesting too. - Sarina Tang
In my opinion, I think that the virtual camp was really fun and the games were creative. - Serena Zhang
While we were doing Continuous Online Learning, we did a virtual camp. We got to make a fort with pillows, blankets and sheets. My favourite part of virtual camp was watching the move Paddington 2. I also enjoyed doing rotations with my friends. My favourite group was Miss Elliott’s and Mrs Hendricks’ group. I made a fort that had a sheet as a roof! I also had chairs as walls and I got to sleep in my fort. I had so much fun listening to Mr Grant talking about the stars. - Verity Presant
On the last day of Continuous Online Learning we had a virtual camp with Miss Elliott, Mrs Albertus and Mrs Hughes. In the first and second session we had camp activity rotations. Then we had story time with Mrs Wansbrough and we learnt about the stars. Finally we watched Paddington 2, one of Mrs Hughes’ favourite movies. My favourite part of the camp was watching Paddington 2. It tells a beautiful story about a bear who tries to buy his aunt a pop up book of London, but a thief steals it and the bear is accused of the robbery, so he is sent to prison. The bear’s human family, the Browns, are determined to get justice for him and get the real thief into jail. At the end, it looks like the bear will die, but his mother and friends save him. Although the screen kept lagging, the virtual camp was a wonderful way to end Continuous Online Learning! - Junru Teng