Keep on Learning

(at school and at home)
The Preps had a wonderful day celebrating 100+ Days of School when we returned to face to face learning at the start of Term 4!
Our verandah was very colourful with 100 balloons and we enjoyed taking a balloon home to continue our celebrations. We also made 100+ Days hats and funny glasses to wear.
During our Maths lesson we threaded 100 fruity rings onto a necklace to wear (and eat)! We enjoyed making fairy bread using 100s and 1000s and went home with a special certificate declaring that we were all “100 Days Smarter”.
Mrs Shellene Pillifeant, Mrs Sonia Sires and Mrs Nicole Ng
Prep Teachers
2M celebrated their return to the classroom on campus with an award ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the students this year. They received a gold medal for their amazing work in remote learning.
During devotions this week 2M reflected on the season of remote learning and what they had learnt through this year. Each of the students got a sticky note and wrote on it something they are going to take away from their remote learning experience.
Students in 4V have expressed how super excited they are to be back at school because:
I don’t have to log in and out of Zoom meetings - Erin
Mrs van Heerden does not have to say mute or unmute - Lorena
We get to see our friends and play face-to-face - Marcus and Eric
No more staring at a screen all day - Nathan
Finally not having any more computer problems - Angela
We get to see our friends and talk to them at school - Raene
We don’t need to send emails to talk - Mikayla
We get to work together as a team - Gabriel
We can work on projects together - Anders
Seeing people in real life and chatting is great - Annabel
Everything is less confusing with real people - Micah
It is fun to play with our friends - Anna
Well done to our amazing Primary Students for the effort they put in for our Virtual Athletics.
We saw some incredible creativity and results from the Students as they completed the activities in their own backyards.
1st | Barton | 276 |
2nd | Parkes | 259 |
3rd | Deakin | 255 |
Congratulations to Barton for your win! And a special shoutout to the students who earned the 10-Activity-Bonus-Points which helped take Barton over the finish line!
Well done everyone!
St Andrews Sport Department
At the beginning of year our Year 8 Captains created a vision for all students to feel a sense of belonging in the Middle School. Then 2020 happened, and as people became isolated, this vision became even more important! In the midst of remote learning, with the help of the Year 5-7 academy members, our Middle School Leaders organised and ran the Middle School Talent Show!
The talent show, held via Zoom, showcased 9 amazing, unique talents selected from a total of 20 entrants. We were blown away by the diverse range of performances, proving Middle School sure does have talent! It was amazing to have 100 people join us on Zoom for this event which was a fantastic way to build community! A huge thank you to our audience, teacher judges, finalists and leaders. Congratulations to our winners:
Audience votes:
1st place: Kiara Vasquez
2nd place: Bonnie Carline
3rd place: Ruby Baxter, Hayley Appleby, Jessa May Craanen
Judges votes:
1st place: Kiara Vasquez
2nd place: Louis Sun
3rd place: Bonnie Carline
Ms Chelsea Christelow
Middle School Teacher
Year 10 High School Cancer Masterclass & Cancer Competition
As the High School Cancer Masterclasses Program for 2020 officially draws to a close, the HSCM team thank St Andrews students and teachers who participated in the program this year:
Thank you, St Andrews Christian College, for your enthusiastic participation and engagement with our program! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding through this transition to remote delivery and for facilitating the success of our program this year. We continue to receive phenomenal work from students that completed the Masterclass 5 Cancer Project.
To keep up to date with ACHSC's news, please visit our website:
Thank you very much again to St Andrews’ dedicated and passionate teachers. We look forward to your school’s participation in our program in 2021.
- 2020 ACHSC High School Cancer Competition teamOn the 21st of October, four Year 10 students took part in the 2020 High School Cancer Competition, the first and only Australian science competition with a focus on cancer.
Cancer competition prizes include a week-long research internship at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute.
We are very proud of our students’ achievements and congratulate them on their participation and commitment. Cancer Competition Students: Sophia Tran, Andrea Chai, Vicky Truong and Michelle McCabe. Teacher: Mrs Irena Yevlahova.
St Andrews Careers Newsletter 16
In this careers newsletter students discover the latest news from the leading universities as well explore careers resources.
Mrs Irena Yevlahova
Careers Coordinator
Opening hours
Middle/ Senior Library:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays:Open from 8.15am (for students in Years 4-12 only).
Monday to Friday: Recess and Lunch
After school:Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays until 4pm. Mondays and Wednesdays until 3.45pm.
Junior Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Senior Library for access and loans.
It was wonderful to welcome students back to the library after their continuous online learning. Library staff have been kept busy loaning Accelerated Readers and other books. Students have been happy to see old favourites and find new titles.
The Senior Library has been a hive of activity, as students use it again for study groups. Recess and lunchtime reading or a place to chat quietly.
Library classes have recommenced for the Primary classes. There are a number of new titles for students to borrow.
Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge (VPRC)
A total of 108 students from Years 7 and 8 entered the VPRC this year. To complete the challenge, they need to read 15 books during Terms 1-3. Students needed to record the titles read onto the VPRC website, and complete a number of tasks in their English classes. 88 students met the challenge, which was fantastic, given that the majority of that time was spend doing online continuous learning. Students read a magnificent total of 2023 books.
Some of the most popular titles read were:
These titles can be found in the Senior Library. Congratulations to all those who took part! Thank you to Mrs Krishnan and Mrs Cloete for their assistance.
Lynne Marks, Anita Little, Wai Peng Heath
Library Staff