After what has been such a long time of online learning it has been an absolute a JOY to welcome back so many students to face to face learning. While we've still so missed our Year 8 and 9 students we cannot wait to have them join everyone back on campus on Monday.
Joy has come in different forms this year. The joy of sleeping in, the joy of seeing my family more and the joy of seeing the important things in life. But by far as staff this year our most joyous days have been the ones when we see the students face-to-face. Never have we valued this more and never have we missed it more. Two weeks ago was full of those moments. The students ran to meet each other: the classrooms were full of laughing and chatter. While I never want to be a remote online learning teacher again, I am grateful for a day like last Monday where the joy of reunion filled the College.
Here's a collection of photos of our joyful welcome back with colourful balloons and bubbles.
Mrs Yvonne Hughes
Head of Junior School
A Message From the Learning Support Team
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
– Hebrews 10:23
Hope. Hope has remained in our hearts despite the challenges of Continuous Online Learning. Hope in a God who holds the whole world in His hands, who is still in control! Hope that students and staff could return to school, hope for the opportunity to see family and friends, hope for the future.
Online learning continued in Week 1 of Term 4, with about 10 students attending on campus, and many more being supported on Zoom. But oh, the Joy of being back together! It was wonderful to see and hear the excitement of students and staff as they returned to learning on campus. The sense of ‘this is what school is meant to be!’. We are mindful of the Year 8 and 9 students who have been continuing to learn online, and we uphold them in our prayers.
The Learning Support team have been back in classes, getting reacquainted with students and helping them as they have settled back into the rhythms and routines of school. Secondary Learning Assistants have continued to work with Year 8 and 9 students via Zoom as well.
We give thanks to God for His faithfulness during this difficult season, knowing that if we allow Him, He is able to use it for His glory. We are grateful that despite the changes that God remains the same.
Shirley Gillie
Head of Learning Support
– Back to a little more normal!
During the time away from working with Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) children, I was able to spend my home time with both inside and outside projects. Inside was spent going through every drawer/cupboard to declutter or rearrange, crocheting a queen size quilt for Jess and indulging in Netflix series. While outside I brought our very abandoned garden back to a neat looking yard. All in the atmosphere of no pressure and experiencing God’s peace for which I am very thankful.
Now I’m back into the swing of organising our daily needs in OSHC. Doing Admin duties during the day and most of all ENJOYING INTERACTING WITH CHILDREN AGAIN. I really enjoy helping children with homework, playing cards, and encouraging them all to do their best in whatever they do. It's been one of the thing I've missed so much during the lockdowns.
As I do not yet have any new photos to share, I thought I would share with you two bible verses and why I love them. Both these verses encourage us to let God into our lives so He can provide for us. Both give me an image of a loving Father who wants to provide.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
The above verse says don’t worry about ANYTHING. It gives us the benefit of not having to worry about what is too little or too big to give to God. If something is causing us to be anxious, God is saying stop, give it to me and I will provide. And although I still at times take a little while to surrender issues to God, when I do I can’t believe I took so long when God’s answer and peace is amazing.
Because he bends down to listen,
I will pray as long as I have breath!
Psalm 116:2
I love the image of God bending down to hear all my prayers. What an amazing God who wants to treat us all as individuals and answer each prayer in a personal way and not as a rubber stamp response.
I pray that this will encourage you (& me) to let God guide us in all areas of our lives, especially during the trying times 2020 has presented. Jesus said in John 15:4 “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."
Mrs Sally Wade
Outside School Hours Care Coordinator
Catch Up Viewing Available
If you missed the 'A Call to Prayer' Live-stream evening that was broadcast on October 8th, you can join us again through the video below. It was wonderful to see 343 individual views as we know that there were many families joining together on the one ‘view’, praying together.
So many families have, and are struggling in different ways so we gathered together as a community and with fellow Christians throughout Victoria and Australia to pray for those in need. Please pray along with us.
God listens to our single plea, when we humble ourselves before Him.
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
Abundant blessings,
Mrs Catriona Wansbrough