A message from Mr Tapp 

Current Principal

Dear Parents,

As we are racing through the term, we have just passed the half way mark of term already! We hope you and your children have enjoyed the fortnight; 

The special Friday Fun Days have been very successful. 

A huge thankyou to all of the students and parents who dressed up for the Favourite Book Character or Favourite Book day. All of the students had a wonderful day and enjoyed sharing different books. 

This week we have a Mindfulness Friday. 


Raelene Harvey is currently on Long Service Leave, Rebecca Mioduszewski our Learning Specialist has stepped into the role while Raelene is away; please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you need to speak to Rebecca or myself. 


During this past fortnight I have met with many students across all cohorts to ask them what they are enjoying about being back. Responses included… seeing my friends and playing together, talking to my teacher, running around our school, the playground and Visual Art – it’s so much fun! 



Early Pick up of Students

We ask parents to please be mindful if they need to pick up their child early. 

With the staggered start and finish times, along with parents not being permitted on school grounds, facilitating these requests at short notice can be difficult and disruptive to the class. 

If you know that your child will need to be picked up early, please send a note or email to your child's teacher or contact the office during the day so that we can ensure your child is at the office ready to be picked up at the specified time. We appreciate your ongoing support with this. 


Remembrance Day 

Earlier in the week our Senior Students created a very special Remembrance Day Virtual Ceremony. It was extremely respectful and a credit to all of our students that they take on the responsibility to create and share in a tradition under the COVID restrictions. 


Buildings and Grounds Update

I am pleased to announce that the Victorian School Building Authority have granted our request for additional classrooms. This means we will be receiving a brand new dual classroom portable in the next few weeks. This is very exciting as our amazing school continues to grow. The portable will be placed on the 2 square courts alongside the Sensory garden.

As part of our goal to become a 5 Star Sustainable School we have engaged the services of Richard Bellemo a Landscape Architect. We are currently developing a whole school Grounds Master Plan that we can identify areas of need and prioritise to further enhance the school grounds and Learning Landscapes for our students. Richard has worked with our School Captains and Vice Captains in discussing how areas are used and could be improved; together they brainstormed many different ideas. The Master Plan is a very exciting step for our school. You can see some of Richards work here. 


Class Placement 2021

Parents are advised that the Class Placement of Pupils form due date has been extended to the 13th of November. As this opportunity has been open to parents for quite a few weeks now, we ask parents and carers to adhere to this date.

The creation of 2021 classes and the placement of our students is a complex process requiring many factors to be taken into consideration. Parent information is one part of the process, along with the carefully considered information that teachers gather through their daily work with their students, including their detailed knowledge of their students as learners as well as the way they work and interact with others.


Parents wishing to provide confidential information to assist us in the process of student placement should download a ‘Class Placement of Pupils’ form here or from the school website 

Parents are requested to only provide information that may assist their child’s learning and educational needs. Requests for individual teachers will not be considered.  

If you have any educational requests related to your child’s class placement in 2021, please complete a form and email to somerville.ps@education.vic.gov.au by Friday the 13th of November, 2020.


Foundation 2021

Foundation Transition starts today; it will be very exciting for all of the families and new students as we welcome them into our Somerville Primary School Community. We have an amazing community and I am sure once the COVID restrictions are eased and parents are allowed back onsite all of our new families will be able to see how wonderful our school is. 




Have a great week,


David Tapp