Reports Department News

Semester Two Reports

Parents will receive a printed report for Semester Two which will be mailed home during the Term Two break.  When the reports are ready for printing, they will be available via Astra. An email will be sent to parents when they are available.

Unit 3/4 VCE Reports

In Term Two teachers will provide feedback on the final Assessments for Unit Three. As was the case in Term One, when a SAC or Formative Assessment Task is undertaken, the subject teacher will provide written feedback on the task which will posted on ASTRA.

Teachers will also provide a summary of your child’s Effort and Dedication to the subject in general twice during the term. You will be notified by email each time a teacher posts feedback on Astra.

Parents will also receive a printed summary report for Semester Two which will be mailed home during the Term Two break.  These reports will also be available on ASTRA and parents will receive email notification when they become available for printing.

Senior School Comparative Assessment Reports and Student Performance Graphs

The Semester One Comparative Assessment Reports and Student Performance Graphs will be to be published electronically to the Parent Portal during the Term Four break.  An email will be sent to parents when they are available.  

Merit Certificates

Junior School Merit Certificates will be given out at the Final Junior School Assembly in the last week of school.

Senior School Merit Certificates will be presented at the start of Term 3.  Senior School students who are nominated for six or more Merits will have their Merits awarding during the start of Term Assembly. 


ASTRA is a virtual learning environment specially designed for Australian schools. It comprises an all-in-one Learning Management System, portal and intranet, and works across all digital devices. It is designed to allow teachers, parents and students to share information securely online and can be used as a teaching and learning tool.

Accessing Reports via Astra – “Academic Reports” Astra button

You can access your child’s Report via Astra -  The “Academic Reports” button is located under your child’s photo, to the right of their Timetable button. Select this and you will see all the Girton Academic Reports.    Only Girton Grammar Academic Reports are available via this Astra Icon, if you want other reports e.g. NAPLAN you need to select “Documents” on your opening page, then click on your child’s name to the right of the screen, and the other reports will be under the subheading of “Government Reports”.   

To access “Online Results” for VCE Unit 3/4 Subject Assessment Tasks and Year 7 to Year 12 Effort and Dedication results, select the “Grades”  button.


You can also access other information for your child; Timetable, Calendar, Due Work and lots more by selecting the relevant tab located on your child’s page. To return to the Astra home page click the Astra logo on the top left.  


If you are having trouble accessing Astra or need your login details, please contact the Reports Manager;

Mrs Heather Waterston.

Email and Mailing Contact details

An email is sent to parents from the Reports Administrators, notifying them when reports are available on Astra.  Please contact Reception if you need to update your current email or mailing address.

Reporting Overview

For information on reports for both Junior and Senior School, please refer to the Girton Grammar School website via the “Teacher and Learning” tab..



Important Contacts:

Mr Rod Smith (Head of Senior School Assessment and Reporting)

Mrs Viv Bath (Deputy Head of Junior School)

Mrs Heather Waterston (Reports Manager)

Mrs Debbie Hansen (Reports Administrator)