Careers Report
It a very different and challenging time we are going through at the moment, and although our students are learning online from home our careers program is still running strongly, albeit through a new forum.
A key element of Careers during this time is to support students to help them navigate through this period while keeping our career education going. Some of the key areas of support include virtual career expos, Career resources links, University information sessions, and individualised support.
Now is a great opportunity to check out our Careers Website! Students can access the website, maximising resources, and other important Career information. Our school community can also access this site, enabling parents to have conversations with their children about Careers and Pathways. This is a great tool which provides students with careers events, VCE & VCAL information, post-school options, TAFE and countless other resources to support their transition from school to employment or further education. Universities and TAFES are updating their websites with virtual tours and experiences regularly so the most up to date information is at hand.
Please follow below link or access through the Lowanna College website under ‘Careers’
Year 9 Morrisby Careers Assessments
With the move to online learning, the Year 9 Morrisby Careers assessment will still occur. Students will now undertake this during scheduled classroom sessions (the same as if students were at school.)
Our Year 9 students will undertake this assessment during May* (date to be confirmed). Further information will follow for Year 9 students and parents shortly.
All Year 9 students in Victorian Government Schools will be offered a Career Advisory Service. The Department of Education and Training is working in partnership with the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) and Career Analysts to deliver this service across. This service involves an on-line discovery tool (Morrisby Online) which helps our students better understand their strengths and interests and explore different career options. Once the students have completed the assessment, a report will be created for each individual student which will then be assessed by an external Careers practitioner. The external Careers Practitioner will then conduct a 30-minute one-on-one career counseling session with the student.
The one-on-one counseling sessions will take place on a date to be determined in term 3 or term 4.
This is a wonderful opportunity to help our students make more informed and confident choices about their subject selections, along with planning their further training, study and employment.
Please look at the link below for information regarding Morrisby Online
Year 10 Work Experience
Our Year 10 work experience program has been postponed. Students will be able to undertake this later in the school year. A new date will be determined in the near future.
Virtual Careers Events and Programs
Virtual events and programs are being introduced continually to ensure our students can access information to support decision making surrounding their career pathway. As a result, Universities, TAFE’s, and other registered training organisations are offering a huge variety of online opportunities. I really encourage our students to register to attend these ‘virtual’ events and programs. I have included the hyperlink below which is also accessible through our Lowanna College Compass newsfeed.
Careers Support
I am available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. You are welcome to contact me on 51279200 or